Ivan-Johnson / LifeLogServer

A DIY life tracking app
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LifeLog is a DIY system for tracking metrics about your life, such as how much you weigh, how often you exersise, or how you spend your time. This repository contains the server side components that implement the web API; as the API develops, client-side projects using LifeLogServer will be made.

Notable Features


Documentation can be found online: https://life-log-server.readthedocs.io/en/master/


Run Scripts/deploy.bash. This will generate a python package and install it and any other necessary files for running LLS.

Basic Developer Workflow

  1. Each time you open a terminal, run nix-shell path/to/this/repo/default.nix.

  2. When you are setting up your development environment for the first time, consider running these commands:

    • git config --local core.hooksPath ".GitHooks": configure git to automatically run tests when creating new commits.

    • flask.bash reinit-dev: Initialize the development database with default values.

  3. While you are working, leave this command running in the background:

    flask.bash run
  4. You should now be able to query the server using your choince of REST clients. For example:

    • Graphical tools:

      • insomnia

      • postman

    • CLI:

      • httpie

        $ http POST '' token:dev-key

        HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Connection: close Content-Length: 36 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 18:21:57 GMT Server: Werkzeug/2.2.2 Python/3.10.8


      • You could also use standard Linux commands, but they aren't optimized for this usecase; they have a steeper learning curve and typically require more typing:

        • curl

          $ curl -i -X POST --header token:dev-key '' HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Server: Werkzeug/2.2.2 Python/3.10.8 Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 18:17:03 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 36 Connection: close


        • wget

          $ wget --method=POST '' --header=token:dev-key -qO - 4e2c2321-c578-48d6-8221-3d2e523a14f3

Misc Helpful commands

Interacting with the database directly: