IvanChernyshov / ILThermoPy

Python API for the ILThermo 2.0 database with SMILES support
MIT License
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ILThermoPy: Python API for the ILThermo 2.0 database

ILThermoPy is a Python library to access ILThermo 2.0, which is the NIST standard reference database, containing measured physico-chemical properties for a wide spectrum of ionic liquids. Despite the significant amount of stored data, ILThermo 2.0 cannot be used for machine learning, parametrization of empirical physical models, and other data-driven approaches as is. The reason is that ILThermo 2.0 describes molecular structure of IL's components with a chemical name only, whereas SMILES, InChI and other structure identifiers are not available.

ILThermoPy solves this problem via the preliminary semi-automatic conversion of compound names to SMILES with subsequent manual validation. This allows one to conduct a substructural search and to immediately generate chemoinformatic descriptors for the extracted data.

Please note:


ILThermoPy can be installed via PyPI:

> pip install ilthermopy


  1. Python 3.7+;

  2. requests;

  3. pandas;

  4. importlib_resources (for Python 3.7 and 3.8).

Useful links

  1. ILThermo 2.0: webapp accessing ILThermo 2.0 database.

  2. PyPI package: PyPI page of the package.

  3. Documentation: cookbook, descriptive API, and other useful information.

  4. Update tools: script for semi-automatic update of structural information of new ILThermo compounds after database's update.