IvanIhnatsiuk / react-native-advanced-input-mask

Text input mask component for React Native
MIT License
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To create detailed documentation for the react-native-advanced-input-mask package by following the structure and details provided in the input-mask-android library by RedMadRobot, we can develop an organized, comprehensive document that will help users understand the purpose, setup, and use of react-native-advanced-input-mask for masking input fields in React Native apps. Below is a suggested structure for the documentation:

React Native Advanced Input Mask


react-native-advanced-input-mask is a React Native package that provides flexible input masking functionality for mobile applications. It allows you to format input fields dynamically as users type, ensuring that data is entered in a consistent and valid format. This package wraps the input-mask-android library for Android and its equivalent for iOS, offering a cross-platform solution.

Input masking can be used to format text fields for phone numbers, dates, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other input types that require specific formatting.



Install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install react-native-advanced-input-mask
# or
yarn add react-native-advanced-input-mask


Import react-native-advanced-input-mask in your component to apply masking to input fields.

Basic Example

import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { TextInput, View } from 'react-native';
import { MaskedTextInput } from 'react-native-advanced-input-mask';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const [phoneNumber, setPhoneNumber] = useState('');

  const onChangeText = useCallback((formatted, extracted) => {
  }, []);

  return (
        mask="+1 ([000]) [000]-[0000]"

export default ExampleComponent;


import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { TextInput, View } from 'react-native';
import { MaskedTextInput } from 'react-native-advanced-input-mask';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const [IBAN, setIBAN] = useState('');

  const onChangeText = useCallback((formatted, extracted) => {
  }, []);

  return (
        mask="GB[00] [____] [0000] [0000] [0000] [00]"

export default ExampleComponent;


import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { TextInput, View } from 'react-native';
import { MaskedTextInput } from 'react-native-advanced-input-mask';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const [date, setDate] = useState('');

  const onChangeText = useCallback((formatted, extracted) => {
  }, []);

  return (

export default ExampleComponent;

Detailed Mask Explanation

The mask pattern defines how user input is processed and displayed. The characters below are used for defining patterns:

Advanced Usage

For applications requiring conditional or more complex formatting, this package provides additional configuration options.

MaskedTextInput Component - Props

Prop Type Description
mask string The mask format to be applied to the text input, defining the pattern for formatting. Example: "[0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]".
customNotations Notation[] Array of custom notations for the mask format. Each notation object includes: character, characterSet, and isOptional.
onChangeText (formatted: string, extracted: string) => void Callback function triggered on text change. Receives formattedValue (with mask) and extractedValue (raw input).
onTailPlaceholderChange (tailPlaceholder: string) => void Callback function called when the tail placeholder changes, receiving the updated tailPlaceholder value.
affinityFormat string[] Array of strings for affinity format, used to determine the best mask format based on the input.
autocomplete boolean Enables or disables autocomplete for the text input. Default is false.
autoSkip boolean Automatically skips to the next input field when the current one is filled. Default is false.
isRTL boolean Enables right-to-left (RTL) text direction for the text input. Default is false.
affinityCalculationStrategy AFFINITY_CALCULATION_STRATEGY Defines the strategy for affinity calculation, determining how the best mask format is selected based on input.
customTransformation CustomTransformation Custom transformation applied to the text input to define how the input text should be transformed.
defaultValue string The default value for the input field.
value string Current value of the input field, allowing controlled input behavior.
allowSuggestions boolean (iOS only) Enables or disables input suggestions on iOS. Default is false.
autocompleteOnFocus boolean (iOS only) Enables autocomplete when the text input is focused (iOS only).
placeholder string Placeholder text displayed in the input.
keyboardType string Sets the keyboard type. Useful for numeric masks with keyboardType="numeric".
autoFocus boolean If true, focuses the input on component load. Default is false.

Mask Format Guide

The mask format uses placeholders to define the acceptable input:


Cookbook is a community-driven handbook with complete solutions for common problems.
Text formatting problems, of course.

Feel free to suggest your own recipes or correct the existing ones.


Credit cards

MM/YY: [00]{/}[00]
CVV: [000]

American Express

[0000] [000000] [00000]
3[000] [000000] [00000]

Diners Club International

[0000] [000000] [0000]
3[000] [000000] [0000]


[0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]
6[000] [0000] [0000] [0000]


[0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]
5[000] [0000] [0000] [0000]


[0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]
4[000] [0000] [0000] [0000]


Affine formats:


IBAN, International Bank Account Number


BE[00] [0000] [0000] [0000]


FR[00] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [000]


DE[00] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [00]


GR[00] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [000]


RO[00] [____] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]

Saudi Arabia

SA[00] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]


ES[00] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000]


CH[00] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0000] [0]

United Kingdom

GB[00] [____] [0000] [0000] [0000] [00]

Phone numbers

8 ([000]) [000]-[00]-[00]

Custom notations

import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { TextInput, View } from 'react-native';
import { MaskedTextInput } from 'react-native-advanced-input-mask';

const alphaNumericChars =

const charAlphaNumerics = [
    character: '$',
    characterSet: alphaNumericChars,
    isOptional: false,

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState('');

  const onChangeText = useCallback((formatted, extracted) => {
  }, []);

  return (


To contribute to this package, clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/IvanIhnatsiuk/react-native-advanced-input-mask
cd react-native-advanced-input-mask && yarn install