Ivareh / pathofmodifiersapp

Website application for checking prices on explicit and affixes specific items in Path of Exile
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Path of Modifiers Application

Website application for checking prices on explicit and affixes specific items in Path of Exile

Current goals we are working towards:

Future goals:

Technical information

Download python requirements:

  1. Enter a local python virtual enviroment
  2. Make sure poetry package is installed
    • If not run pip install poetry
  3. cd into .\src\backend\app
  4. Run poetry install

Create and run docker containers

  1. Enter .\src
  2. Run docker-compose up -d
    • This will trigger the override docker-compose

Access pgAdmin

  1. Go to http://localhost:8888/
  2. Enter credentials
    • email: user@pgadmin.com
    • password: ${PGAdmin}
  3. Add server
    • General → Name = pom_oltp_db
    • Connection → Host name/address = db
      • Use Host name/address = localhost if connecting with pgAdmin on own computer
    • Connection → username = pom_oltp_superuser
    • Connection → password = ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}
    • Leave everything else unchanged
  4. Save
  5. Tables can be found under:
    • pom_oltp_db>Databases>pom_oltp_db>Schemas>Tables

      Local alembic migrations

      This section describes how to migrate changes made in database models to the local database postgres server

Run docker container exec -it src-backend-1 bash to enter the local backend container

How to migrate alembic database model changes

  1. Run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Message" to create a alembic revision
  2. Review the generated migration template
  3. Run alembic upgrade head to migrate database changes

How to revert the database to an alembic revision

Current tech-stack