Izaanaami / tailwindCSS-className-parser-js

A tool to parse tailwind classes in javascript to get css-code, css property and css value of that class. also to do it in reverse
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

package to parse and create tailwindcss classes with javascript

you can get information like css property and value, variants and more from tailwind classes in js



npm install @tailwindcss-parser



import tailwindParser from 'tailwindcss-parser';
import config from './tailwind.config.js'; // your tailwind config file, optional

const { parse, classname } = tailwindParser(config);


parse className:

const definition = parse('w-48');
// { property: 'width', value: '12rem' }

const definition = parse('md:hover:bg-red-200/50');
  responsiveModifier: 'md', 
  pseudoModifier: 'hover', 
  property: 'backgroundColor' 
  value: '#fecaca80'

const definition = parse("[direction:rtl]");
// {property: "direction", value: "rtl"}

const definition = parse("p-[100px]");
  property: "padding", 
  value: "100px", 
  relatedProperties: ["padding-top","padding-right","padding-bottom","padding-left"]


create className:

const { className } = classname({ property: 'margin', value: '-16rem' });
// -m-64

const { className } = classname({
  responsiveModifier: 'md',
  pseudoModifier: 'hover',
  property: 'backgroundColor',
  value: '#fecaca80'
// md:hover:bg-red-200/50

const { className, error } = classname({
  responsiveModifier: 'small',
  property: 'textColor',
  value: '#fecaca80'
  error: {
    responsiveModifier: 'Unidentified responsive modifier, expected one of [sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl], got small'



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MIT © Izaanaami

Thanks to siddharthkp who built the main part of this package