IzumiSy / elm-firestore

*Experimental* A type-safe Firestore integration for Elm
MIT License
14 stars 2 forks source link
elm firestore



A type-safe Firestore integration module for Elm. No JavaScript/TypeScript needed for ports.

The features elm-firestore library supports are as follows:

Feature Supported?
Simple CRUD operation (get, list, create, patch, delete) :white_check_mark: Yes
Transactions :white_check_mark: Yes
Collection group :white_check_mark: Yes
Query Partially supported
Realtime update listening :heavy_exclamation_mark: No

When will this package support realtime update?

Realtime update listening is one of fundamental features Firestore offers, but this library internally uses Firestore RESTful API which is officially said to be out of support for realtime update.

I strongly recommend you to use Firestore SDK in JavaScript through Ports instead of this library if you have a strong need to use realtime update on Firestore. This library shall not support it unless Google changes their mind.


Almost all basic types in Firestore are supported

import Firestore
import Firestore.Config as Config
import Firestore.Decode as FSDecode
import Firestore.Types.Geopoint as Geopoint
import Firestore.Types.Reference as Reference
import Result.Extra as ExResult

-- model

type alias Model =
    { firestore : Firestore.Firestore
    , document : Maybe (Firestore.Document Document)

type alias Document =
    { timestamp : Time.Posix
    , geopoint : Geopoint.Geopoint
    , reference : Reference.Reference
    , integer : Int
    , string : String
    , list : List String
    , map : Dict.Dict String String
    , boolean : Bool
    , nullable : Maybe String

-- init

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
        firestore =
                { apiKey = "your-own-api-key"
                , project = "your-firestore-app"
                |> Config.withDatabase "your-own-database" -- optional
                |> Config.withAuthorization "your-own-auth-token" -- optional
                |> Firestore.init
    ( { firestore = firestore, document = Nothing }
    , firestore
        |> Firestore.root
        |> Firestore.collection "users"
        |> Firestore.document "user1"
        |> Firestore.build
        |> ExResult.toTask
        |> Task.andThen (Firestore.get decoder)
        |> Task.attempt GotDocument

decoder : FSDecode.Decoder Document
decoder =
    FSDecode.document Document
        |> FSDecode.required "timestamp" FSDecode.timestamp
        |> FSDecode.required "geopoint" FSDecode.geopoint
        |> FSDecode.required "reference" FSDecode.reference
        |> FSDecode.required "integer" FSDecode.int
        |> FSDecode.required "string" FSDecode.string
        |> FSDecode.required "list" (FSDecode.list FSDecode.string)
        |> FSDecode.required "map" (FSDecode.dict FSDecode.string)
        |> FSDecode.required "boolean" FSDecode.bool
        |> FSDecode.required "nullable" (FSDecode.maybe FSDecode.string)

encoder : Document -> FSEncode.Encoder
encoder doc =
        |> FSEncode.field "timestamp" (FSEncode.timestamp doc.timestamp)
        |> FSEncode.field "geopoint" (FSEncode.geopoint doc.geopoint)
        |> FSEncode.field "reference" (FSEncode.reference doc.reference)
        |> FSEncode.field "integer" (FSEncode.int doc.integer)
        |> FSEncode.field "string" (FSEncode.string doc.string)
        |> FSEncode.field "list" (FSEncode.list FSEncode.string doc.list)
        |> FSEncode.field "map" (FSEncode.dict FSEncode.string doc.map)
        |> FSEncode.field "boolean" (FSEncode.bool doc.boolean)
        |> FSEncode.build

-- update

type Msg
    = GotDocument (Result Firestore.Error (Firestore.Document Document))
    | SaveDocument Document

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        SaveDocument doc ->
            ( model
            , model.firestore
                |> Firestore.root
                |> Firestore.collection "users"
                |> Firestore.document "user1"
                |> Firestore.build
                |> ExResult.toTask
                |> ExResult.toTask
                |> Task.andThen (Firestore.insert decoder (encoder doc))
                |> Task.attempt GotDocument

        GotDocument result ->
            case result of
                Ok document ->
                    ( { model | document = Just document }, Cmd.none )

                Err (Firestore.Http_ httpErr) ->
                    -- ...

                Err (Firestore.Response firestoreErr) ->
                    -- ...



$ npm install


$ npm run build

Unit testing

$ npm test

Integration testing

This requires you to install Open JDK to run Firestore Emulator.

$ npm run test:integration:setup
$ npm run test:integration




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