IzunaDevs / SnekChek

A tool that aims to combine all python CQA tools into one highly customizable tool
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link



A generalized, highly customizable python linter

All configuration (except for pylint) is done in one file: .snekrc

full .snekrc:

.. code:: ini


Not all flake8 extensions are supported!


usage: snekchek [-h] [--json] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]

   optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     --json                output in JSON format
     --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                           Select config file to use

.. |image0| image:: https://travis-ci.org/IzunaDevs/SnekChek.svg?branch=master