J0vid / MGP_shiny

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MGP code repo

In this repository, you will find the code related to the eLife publication "Relating multivariate shapes to genescapes using phenotype-biological process associations for craniofacial shape".

The root directory is structured primarily as a Shiny app, although you can find the scripts used for analysis (and revisions) under the analyses folder. In that folder you will also find an example script for using the API from within R. Finally, the code that defines the API can be found under the MGP_API folder. If you're curious about how the app/API are deployed at genopheno.ucalgary.ca/MGP, have a look at the various configuration files for the shiny server, plumber service, and nginx reverse proxy.

If you want to learn Shiny, come to my workshop with CalgaryR meetup group on December 8th, 2021. If you missed that date, the repo is linked here.