J35P312 / FindSV

Structural variant pipeline
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FindSV is a structural variation pipeline written in nextflow and python. FindSV performs variant calling using TIDDIT and CNVnator. similar variants are merged, and the variants are annotated using VEP, frequency database, genmod, and custom annotation using the annotator script. FindSV outputs one unfilered vcf file per caller, a merged and unfiltered vcf file (_Combined.vcf), as well as an annotated and filtered vcf file "_FindSV.vcf". In addition, FindSV outputs a ploidy tab file, that describes the ploidy for each chromosome.

FindSV needs to be setup using the setup.sh script, this script will generate a config file aswell as a bash script for setting up the environment.


First initiate the FindSV environment:
    source ./FindSV_env.sh

To analyse one bam file and put the output in the output_folder type:

    python FindSV.py --bam file.bam --output output_folder --config config_file

To analyse a folder containing bam files type:

    python FindSV.py --folder input_folder --output output_folder --config config_file

Optionally, the pipeline may be run using the FindSV_core.nf script directly:

The following command will analyse a bam file:
    nextflow FindSV_core.nf --bam file.bam --working_dir output -c config.conf
An entire folder containing bam files could be analysed using this command
    nextflow FindSV_core.nf --folder /the/bams/are/in/this/folder/ --working_dir output -c config.conf

A 30x human sample should be processed within 2 days. Runtime depends on the genome size, purity of the input data, as well as the health of the cluster.



variant effect predictor

python yaml module

Install the dependencies, then download FindSV.

git clone https://github.com/J35P312/FindSV.git

next, you download the singularity images:

cd FindSV
singularity pull --name FindSV.simg shub://J35P312/FindSVSingularity

The images file must be stored in the FindSV folder!

lastly run the setup script:


remember to download the vep cache files! If you are using a server without internet connection, you will first have to download FindSV and pull the singularity image. Next you transfer these files to the server, and then you run the setup script.

Restart module

for info on how to restart samples analysed by the FindSV- pipeline, type:

    python FindSV.py --restart

Config file

The config file is generated using the setup.py script. Generate the file and read the comments within this file for more information on the individual variables.

The config file template is found in the folder config_template. This template could be turned into a config file through manual configuration.


add tab files to this folder to annotate genes. These files should contain two columns, the first column is the HGNC ID of the gene, and the second column is a gene tag. If a variant cover a tagged gene, that gene tag will be added to the vcf entry of that variant. As default, the OMIM id of any affected gene will be added to the variant using the OMIM.txt tab file. Additionally, the OMIM Morbid genes will be flagged. These datassets were downloaded via the ENSEMBL biomart

Frequency database

The frequency database is a vcf file. These info field of these vcf files contain frequency and allele counts. These files may be produced using SVDB, or any SV caller that performs multi-sample calling. Additionally, the swegen SVDB files may be used as a database:


FindSV supports a maximum of three SV databases, the path of these databases may be set through the following variables:

SVDB_path={SVDB_path} SVDB_path2='""' SVDB_path3='""'

The allele count and frequency are set using the following parameters.




Were OCC is alle count (Occurences) and FRQ frequency. Make sure that these tags are present in the info field of each variant in the database(s)!


Genmod is a tool for creating rankscores for variants. Visit the genmod website for more information.
