J7mbo / TorrentPHP

Provides a simple-to-use object oriented interface for interacting with torrent clients.
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Provides a simple-to-use object oriented interface for interacting with torrent clients. With this library, you can retrieve Torrent data as Torrent objects, and otherwise tell your torrent client to perform actions like pauseTorrent and startTorrent.

Currently supported clients (with remote capabilities enabled):


Installation is via Composer. Add the following to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "j7mbo/torrent-php": "dev-master" 

Don't forget to run composer install to create the vendor/ directory containing all the project's dependencies automatically for you.


This library isn't particularly complex. It performs the following to give you an array of Torrent objects, in this order:




You get out Torrent objects for use within your own application.


Obviously, the first thing after running composer install is to include the automatically generated autoloader file:

require_once "/path/to/project" . "/vendor/autoload.php";

Create a ConnectionConfig object, with the required connection parameters. These differ depending on the client, so check the docblock above the relevant constructor signature. The following examples are using Transmission.

use TorrentPHP\Client\Transmission\ConnectionConfig;

$config = new ConnectionConfig(array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 9091,
    'username' => 'james',
    'password' => 'password'

Instead of using cURL to make the RPC requests, we're using Artax. We need a new Client object and a new Request object.

$client = new Artax\Client;
$config = new Artax\Request;

Now, to give you JSON, use the ClientTransport object:

use TorrentPHP\Client\Transmission\ClientTransport;

$transport = new ClientTransport($client, $request, $config);

Here you can run any of the methods defined in the ClientTransport interface, like:


The following methods allow you to pass either a Torrent object as the first parameter, or a torrent id (hash) as a second parameter:


The above methods all return the raw json provided by the client. If you want lovely Torrent objects that remain consistent for use around your application, wrap the transport in the relevant ClientAdapter before making the exact same call.

use TorrentPHP\Clent\Trasmission\ClientAdapter,

$adapter = new ClientAdapter($transport, new TorrentFactory, new FileFactory);

Then, just call the same methods on the adapter to get lovely Torrent and File objects back. Simple!

Torrent Object

The Torrent object is the final entity you will be given containing the properties chosen to be made available to you via your torrent client of choice.

PHP Torrent Object

All of the above properties are private, and are accessible via getters; e.g. getHashString() and getName().

Take a look at the Torrent class to see the available methods to get the data you require.

Code Example

require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use TorrentPHP\Client\Transmission\ConnectionConfig,

// Create the HTTP Client Object
$client = new Artax\Client;

// Create the HTTP Client Request
$request = new Artax\Request;

// Configuration
$config = new ConnectionConfig(array(
    'host'     => 'localhost', 
    'port'     => 9091, 
    'username' => 'james',
    'password' => 'password'

// Create the transport that returns json
$transport = new ClientTransport($client, $request, $config);

// Create the adapter that returns Torrent objects
$adapter = new ClientAdapter($transport, new TorrentFactory, new FileFactory);

// Add a torrent, and get back a Torrent object
$torrent = $adapter->addTorrent('http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-server-i386.iso.torrent');

// Pause the torrent we just added
$torrent = $adapter->pauseTorrent($torrent);

// Start the torrent we just added
$torrent = $adapter->startTorrent($torrent);

// Delete a torrent by it's hash instead of the object
$adapter->deleteTorrent(null, $torrent->getHashString());

Torrent Clients

Transmission requires transmission-remote-gui installed with it's config set up to allow remote connections.

Deluge requires both deluged and deluge-web running.

Asynchronous Calls

Love event-driven programming and callback hell? You can make asynchronous calls with TorrentPHP. These are done using Artax and Alert. Effectively, you pass a PHP callable (requires PHP 5.4) and this is invoked with the response only when the response is received. It's non-blocking, and it's cool.

Currently only getTorrents() supports asynchronous calls. Here's an example of making async calls to Deluge:

use TorrentPHP\Client\Deluge\ConnectionConfig,

// Factory to create the async client
$clientFactory = new TorrentPHP\Client\AsyncClientFactory;

// We need a request object as before
$request = new Artax\Request;

// Our connection settings
$config = new ConnectionConfig([
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'port'     => 8112,
    'password' => 'deluge'

// The new AsyncClientTransport
$transport = new AsyncClientTransport($clientFactory, $request, $config);

// Our own function gets invoked on the async response. The response is "injected" into the first variable for us.
$callable = function($response) {
    echo 'This could have taken 5 seconds or more, but it's async, so it's non-blocking. Yay!' . PHP_EOL;

// Let's get our torrents asynchronously - the new AsyncClientTransport object takes a second callable parameter
$transport->getTorrents([], $callable);


You can add support for your own client by creating a new client directory in src/Client/<ClientName>, and adding a ClientAdapter, ClientTransport and ConnectionConfig. They don't have to talk over RPC however as how the implementation handles it is separate from the rest of the application.

Make sure you use the correct namespaces and implement / extend the correct classes. See the src/Transmission and src/Deluge directories for examples.

If you would like support added for a different torrent client, and don't know how best to go about this yourself, feel free to submit an issue and we can work on it together.