JATS4R / old-website

Static Jekyll site for JATS4R.org
The Unlicense
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JATS for Reuse

This repository holds the source files for the JATS for Reuse home page, excluding the validator.

Web site development

Our web site is served from jats4r.org.

It uses the Jekyll static site generator; see the GitHub help page, Using Jekyll with Pages, for more information about how to set this up on your machine.

The site also includes the validator, which is hosted in its own repository. That repo is set up as a Git submodule of this one.

So, to work on the website, make sure you clone this repository with --recursive. For example:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/JATS4R/website.git

Then, to set up the validator, follow these setup instructions. (Skip the step about cloning the validator repository itself).

When you have all the prerequisites installed, from the website directory, start a local server with:

jekyll serve

and then access it from http://localhost:4000.

To test a deployment of all of the generated files, configure Apache (or some other HTTP server) to serve the _site subdirectory of this repo, and then run

./deploy.sh --baseurl /path/to/_site

Where "/path/to/_site" is the HTTP server's path to the _site subdirectory.

For example, if you are working in ~/jats4r/website, and your HTTP server is configured to serve that directory from http://localhost/work/jats4r/website, then you would run

./deploy.sh --baseurl /work/jats4r/website/_site

You could also set the JATS4R_DOCROOT environment variable to specify a different destination directory, to which the static site will be written.

For reference, there are three ways to view the site, and not everything works in all cases:


Here are a few conventions we've established for our content pages.


The website was initially forked and modified from https://github.com/cfpb/eRegulations, which is available under CC0 1.0 Universal.