JB0341 / this-is-totally-going-in-my-blog

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This was the week 2 challenge.

The goal was to create a dual page project. This was to allow the user to input blog Title, content, and their username on the first page. Then, after being stored in local data and retrieved, displayed on the next page with any other entries also stored. The ability to go back and add more on the first page was also needed.


Started by creating a repository, cloning it to machine, and creating needed folders/files to code in.


created two html files, one for each page.

the point of the first page was to have an input form for the user.

the second page was to display all information stored.

both pages have a link to navigate back and forth.

css was applied to both pages using bootstrap.


most css was applied using bootstrap on the HTML pages, but some was applied in css style sheets.


two JS sheets were created for this.

the first was directly tied to the form submission, or idex.html page. the point being to create an array, stringify it, and store it to the local memory of the browser.

the second was directly tied to the blog.html page. its purpose was to retrieve data from the local storage of the browser and display it for the users view.

Important Links

repository link https://github.com/JB0341/this-is-totally-going-in-my-blog

deployed link https://jb0341.github.io/this-is-totally-going-in-my-blog/