JBramauer / pepperspeechrecognition

Google Speech Recognition Module for Naoqi and the Pepper Robot by Aldebaran
MIT License
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Pepper Speech Recognition

This is a python module that brings Google Speech Recognition to the Pepper robot by Aldebaran. It was specifically implemented so it can be run ON the robot as a NaoQi module but it can also be run on your computer.


Setup to run on robot

Everything you need should already be installed, simply clone the repository / copy the files to your robot, ssh into it and run

python module_speechrecognition.py

Setup to run on computer

Like every NaoQi Python project you need the NaoQi Python SDK. You can get it from doc.aldebaran.com. To test it simply run

import naoqi

Next up you need the numpy python module, which is the only python library used

pip install numpy

Test it:

import numpy

Now run the speechrecognition module

python module_speechrecognition.py --pip (your robot IP)


To configure the module you can use an ALProxy instance you can get from the Broker (speechrecognition module needs to be running)

Here's a simple example on how to do that:

SpeechRecognition = ALProxy("SpeechRecognition")

Calling start() makes the module subscribe to the ALAudio event of the robot. Calibrate() makes it calculate the mean RMS value of the signal for 4 seconds and use this as a reference for background noise level.

Also, you can just use the module like this to trigger a one-time recognition:

SpeechRecognition = ALProxy("SpeechRecognition")

# starts immediately, records for at least HOLD_TIME seconds and then tries to recognize

You can use module_receiver.py as a template for implementing your own module.

Subscribing to the ALMemory event

The speechrecognition module raises an ALMemory event every time a string was successfully recognized. You can subscribe to it in your module using the ALMemory proxy.

memory = naoqi.ALProxy("ALMemory")
memory.subscribeToEvent("SpeechRecognition", self.getName(), "processRemote")

"SpeechRecognition" is the name of the event, "proccessRemote" the name of your callback function.

def processRemote(self, signalName, message):
    # Do something with the received speech recognition result

ROS Module

A simple ROS (Robot Operating System) module is provided, that uses rospy to publish a ROS message whenever speech is recognized, carrying the recognized string as data.


The speechrecognition module was built to be able to run ON Pepper (and you can't easily install 3rd party libraries there, also we need to be efficient), so it's only dependencies are

All of them are pre-installed on Pepper

Built With


Version 1.0 - Initial release, May 30 2018



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
