JC144 / TabDockExtension

Display a dock with all tabs grouped by domain.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 1 forks source link

Tab Dock Extension

Official website

Presentation of Tab Dock


Because I use too many tabs and I always lose them.

I'm not alone, I see you who couldn't find your Google Meet tab!

The journey


I thought it was going to be easy. I just had to extend the browser in the end.

But Internet Explorer era has ended.

I had to inject the dock in the website displayed. It has been a wonderful journey where I discovered Shadow dom, CSS, improved my javascript and lost a lot of night on a synchronisation issue.

What can it do?

How does it work?

It's amazing! How can I install it?

Yes of course, the best way is to go on the official page to get your store link.

If you want to use the source, rename manifest.YOURBROWSER.json into manifest.json and use the related procedure.

Can I contribute?

Of course, as you can guess, I'm still a begineer in CSS.

Can I fork it?

As long as the project stays open-source, you do as you want!

What's coming?

[ ] Firefox support... I hope, one day... Hey, it worked

[ ] Animations improvements

How can I support you?

These crazy projects takes time.

A tip is always appreciated, it's the best recognition to see someone offering you a beer because you made a tool he use!