JCLiang / vim-cscope-utils

A vim plugin that creates and auto-loads ctags, cscope, and pycscope database for you.
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bindeval breaks Neovim and vim 7.3 compatibility #8

Closed martinpelikan closed 9 years ago

martinpelikan commented 9 years ago

Since Neovim does not support bindeval, 8519841ba81c43bc08d9be59aef3b10d22c51a74 breaks compatibility. I was able to work around this by simply doing :%s/bindeval/eval on the plugin code. Is there any downside to using eval over bindeval?

JCLiang commented 9 years ago

Oops, I'm no using neovim so I'm not aware of this. I noticed that bindeval() is smart enough to convert '1' (string) to 1 (integer), but in our case it doesn't really matter.

I've replaced bindeval() with eval() in d372be4a4c14e8978e006b0b9ffb8f5cbcc31ab8.