JCLiang / vim-cscope-utils

A vim plugin that creates and auto-loads ctags, cscope, and pycscope database for you.
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A vim plugin that creates and auto-loads ctags, cscope, and pycscope index database for you.

To use this plugin, you'll need:

  1. vim compiled with cscope ( --enable-cscope ) and Python interpreter ( --enable-pythoninterp=yes ) support. You probably have to patch your vim because there are some bugs in the base vim-7.3 that crashed vim when running Python inside it: http://www.vim.org/patches.php
  2. I recommend to fetch the latest vim source with mercurial (which includes all the patches), include the above options and any other options you want when doing ./configure, and build from it: http://www.vim.org/download.php
  3. ctags: http://ctags.sourceforge.net/
  4. cscope: http://cscope.sourceforge.net/
  5. pycscope: https://github.com/portante/pycscope

How to use it:

This plugin works the best with Git repositories. It tries to create and load from the .git directory your index database files. If you're not using Git, please refer to the Notes section for further information.

  1. Install the plugin with your favorite vim bundle manager.
  2. Change dir to your source code directory.
  3. Open up vim.
  4. Hit <leader>ca to build and load all the database for the current git branch.
  5. You can also use <leader>ct, <leader>cs, <leader>pcs to (re-)build only ctags, cscope, or pycscope database, respectively.
  6. Open up source files, and happy code tracing with ctrl + ] and ctrl + T.
  7. If you switch to another git branch, you can use <leader>cc to reconnect to the databases you previous built.
  8. More infos can be found in vim with :help cscope.

When you hit <leader>ca in vim, a function is called to do the following:

  1. Look for the .git directory, starting from current working directory and going up the directory tree until .git is found or '/' is reached.
  2. In the directory found in 1., look for or create the directory index_db/<current_branch>. The generated index databases will be placed in this directory.
  3. Create ctags index database in the .git directory.
  4. Create cscope index database in the .git directory for .c, .cc, .cpp, .h files.
  5. Create pycscope index database in the .git directory for .py files.
  6. (Re)connect vim to the cscope index databases.


  1. You can ignore certain paths by creating an ignore_paths file in the .git directory and list all the path patterns you want to ignore in it.
  2. If .git directory is not found, then the index database files would be created in the current working directory.
  3. You can specify a list of extra arguments to the ctags/cscope/pycscope command to build the index file in your .vimrc using the g:cscopeutils[ctags|cscope|pycscope]_extra_args variable. For example, setting g:cscope_utils_ctags_extra_args to ["--fields=+l"] will add --fields=+l to the ctags arguments.