JForsaken / protosketcher-frontend

Protosketcher's frontend application.
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Protosketch Frontend :art: :triangular_ruler:

The standalone React-Redux frontend platform for the Protosketch project.


Follow the installation steps in the backend repository, except for the database and .env file part.


$ npm run dev

Protosketcher will then run at http://localhost:3001.

You will see the react-redux state inspector on your right. To move it around, use Ctrl+F2. To toggle it, use Ctrl+H.


Run this command to build the project:

$ npm run build

Then the website will be built in the /dist folder. Simply copy that folder and paste it to where you where to host the site.

For automatic deployment, you can run this command :

$ npm run deploy

:information_source: This will only deploy the app.js file. Assets files mut be deployed manually.

:warning: You must copy secrets.template.yml to secrets.yml and fill in the parameters for the script to work.

$ git update-index --assume-unchanged secrets.yml

I18n support

All messages in this website are localized and rendered using react-intl@2.0.

There is also a babel plugin to extract all the default messages into ./_translations/src to be provided to translators.

$ npm run build:i18n

You can also run a script to extract all those translations as key-value.

$ npm run build:i18n:langs


A plugin was added to handle custom context menus The documentation is here: https://github.com/vkbansal/react-contextmenu

To use the context menu, just import:

import { ContextMenu, MenuItem, ContextMenuTrigger } from 'react-contextmenu';

After, just setup your trigger and the menu:

<ContextMenuTrigger id="some_unique_identifier">
  <div className="well">Right click to see the menu</div>

<ContextMenu id="some_unique_identifier">
  <MenuItem data={"some_data"} onClick={this.handleClick}>
    ContextMenu Item 1
  <MenuItem data={"some_data"} onClick={this.handleClick}>
    ContextMenu Item 2
  <MenuItem divider />
  <MenuItem data={"some_data"} onClick={this.handleClick}>
    ContextMenu Item 3

Look at the doc to check all the features.
