JGEC-Winter-of-Code / Beginner-Repo

Beginner's repo for open source competition.
53 stars 247 forks source link


This repository is made for beginners to get started with git contribution

Setup Git

Git commands you are going to use

  1. git clone url (by cloning, all the files in that repo will be available to your local machine + before cloning make sure to fork the repo to your account)
  2. cd RepositoryName(Beginner-Repo)
  3. git checkout -b branch_name
  4. git add filename.txt (after changing a particular file )
  5. git add . (to add everything)
  6. git commit -m "message" (it is recommended that you commit with a message to indicate the things that you have changed)
  7. git push (push it to the main branch now, then it will be available in github)

    git push origin branch_name (it will push your code from the local branch to the master branch) e.g git push origin devsg ( it will push branch devsg( local branch) to original repo's master branch , henceforth creating a PR)

  8. git config --global https.proxy
  9. git config --global http.proxy
  10. git config --global --get-regexp http.*
  11. git config --global --unset https.proxy
  12. git config --global --unset http.proxy

First Contribution

Author : Sudipto Ghosh 👨🏻‍💻