Welcome to ESCO
is an R package for the simulation of
single-cell RNA sequencing data with special consideration of gene co-expression, built ultilizing the infrastructure in the splatter
This package can be installed with R package devtools:
For a simple example to simulate 100 genes and 50 cells of one cell group with gene co-expression:
#===== start simulation ======#
sim <- escoSimulateSingle(nGenes = 100, nCells = 50,
withcorr = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
#===== access the data ======#
datalist = list("simulated truth"=assays(sim)$TrueCounts,
"zero-inflated" = assays(sim)$counts,
"down-sampled" = assays(sim)$observedcounts)
#====== plot the data ======#
heatdata(datalist, norm = FALSE, size = 2, ncol = 3)
#====== plot the Gene correlation ======#
# object that saved all simulation configurations
simparams = metadata(sim)$Params
# object that particularly saved the correlation structure
rholist = slot(simparams,"corr")
# arrange the true correlation and simulated correlation
corrgenes = rownames(rholist[[1]])
gcnlist = lapply(datalist, function(data)gcn(data, genes = corrgenes))
gcnlist = append(gcnlist, list("given truth" = rholist[[1]]), 0)
heatgcn(gcnlist, size = 3, ncol = 4)
For more complicated examples of simulating multiple cell groups and even trees and trajectories with gene co-expression, please check out the vignettes, which can also be built locally if installed by
devtools::install_github("JINJINT/ESCO", build_vignettes=TRUE)
Check out our paper for ESCO here: ESCO: single cell expression simulation incorporating gene co-expression.