JJones780 / tabloro

Play any board game online with friends in the browser. Runs on any device. Using webRTC for peer2peer video chat. Using phaser for rendering.
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Need more setup info #2

Closed yannba closed 4 years ago

yannba commented 4 years ago

Hi JJones, Thank you for your Tabloro fork and improvement! It's exactly what we need in the time of self-isolation. Self-hosting the storage of the assets was a great thing to do.

However, it's not completely clear for me how to set it up. I have very basic server admin skills. I have my own VPS with Ubuntu 18, Apache, and my domain name attached and https enabled with lets-encrypt. Installing Node.js and MongoDB doesn't seem to be a problem.

Then I have a few questions: 1) To which directory on my server should I copy the Tabloro files from your repository? 2) How do I make it work with my domain name (e.g. https://mydomain.name/tabloro)? Should I put something in /var/www, or set up something in Apache? 3) Do I need additional certificate from lets-encrypt if I already have one for mydomain.name? 4) What are the server requirements? I have 1 VCPU, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB disk - should that be enough?

Thank you very much for your help!

JJones780 commented 4 years ago

Hi Yannba,

1) You can put it in any directory you want... 'npm start' from the tabloro top directory serves the website itself. No need for Apache, NGINX etc. I use the screen command to leave it running on my server and reconnect when I log on. It should really be run as a service ( which would restart etc ).

2) You'll have to change the code in tabloro/server.js to point to your https certificates. You can change the ports etc there too. Note the express server lines ( but note that the express http server simply rediercts to https ). When running locally for testing etc you'll need to set up a localhost certificate and instruct firefox, Chrome etc to trust it. See https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert Note, the videoconferencing isn't yet working... so I feel a bit guilty leaving the webRTC requirements in there without looking at it further.

3) Nope.. unless you are using a subdomain not covered by your certificate.

4) That should easily suffice for friends and family.. maybe many more?

Your welcome. Sorry I didn't see this sooner.