JJones780 / tabloro

Play any board game online with friends in the browser. Runs on any device. Using webRTC for peer2peer video chat. Using phaser for rendering.
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Your game table in the browser. Play any board or card game with friends & family.

Tabloro runs on your mac, pc, tablet, or smartphone. Every game session is saved online. Every move can be replayed or rewinded any time. ( TODO )

Built in private peer to peer video & audio chat in the browser.

Scan & upload your own board game tiles, share the link and start playing with friends & family.

NEW March 2020: Simple Server branch perfect for you and your friends - uses local storage instead of AWS and updated to work with node 10 (plenty of deprecated warnings remain though). ~See simpleserver_setup_notes.txt ~

Built with nodejs, express, mongodb, eureca, http://phaser.io and http://peerjs.com/ for peer2peer video&audio chat

Based on madhums express demo, look there for setup instructions More detailed instructions for setup specifically for the simpleserver branch can be found in simpleserver_setup_notes.txt

Using functional programming concepts in many areas. Instead of classes i have used namespaces like T for Tile which is a bunch of functions that apply Tile like functionality to objects, e.g. T.onFlip. Or e.g. Dice as in Dice.spin for dice-like functionality. These functions can be mixed and matched to add functionality to game objects. They are really just namespaces, not instances of classes.

Released under MIT License https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Ramda is used throughout as functional toolkit. Its a little bit cleaner than underscore or lo-dash, but thats also a matter of taste.

You need to set the env variables for your amazon s3 storage etc. Please use US-standard region buckets, otherwise there is a bug with middleware




e.g. mytabloro




e.g. mongodb://heroku_app...


e.g. mongodb://heroku_....


e.g. production


e.g. ./config:./app/controllers:./lib


e.g. 80