JKTOpen / destiny

DESTINY: Full-stack javascript ecommerce application
MIT License
2 stars 12 forks source link

DESTINY is a Full-stack javascript ecommerce application built with mean.io framework.


Tools Prerequisites

$ npm install -g bower

Optional Built with Grunt

Quick Install

The quickest way to get started with DESTINY is to install the meanio package from NPM.

Install MEAN CLI, clone destiny repo & install dependency:

  $ npm install -g mean-cli
  $ git clone https://github.com/plannifnminus1fails/destiny.git
  $ cd destiny && npm install

We recommend using Grunt to start the server:

$ grunt

If grunt aborts because of JSHINT errors, these can be overridden with the force flag:

$ grunt -f

Alternatively, when not using grunt you can run:

$ node server

Then, open a browser and go to:



During install some of you may encounter some issues.

Most issues can be solved by one of the following tips, but if are unable to find a solution feel free to contact us via the repository issue tracker or the links provided below.

Update NPM, Bower or Grunt

Sometimes you may find there is a weird error during install like npm's Error: ENOENT. Usually updating those tools to the latest version solves the issue.

Cleaning NPM and Bower cache

NPM and Bower has a caching system for holding packages that you already installed. We found that often cleaning the cache solves some troubles this system creates.

Environmental Settings

There is a shared environment config: all.

There are three environments provided by default: development, test, and production.

Each of these environments has the following configuration options:

To run with a different environment, just specify NODE_ENV as you call grunt:

$ NODE_ENV=test grunt

If you are using node instead of grunt, it is very similar:

$ NODE_ENV=test node server

To simply run tests

$ npm test

NOTE: Running Node.js applications in the production environment enables caching, which is disabled by default in all other environments.

Getting Started

We pre-included an article package example. Check out:

You may start working on product package.

You can find it at packages/custom/product. For working example checkout this; http://localhost:3000/#!/product/help