JLBLine / chips_ozstar_tools

Repository for scripts to run CHIPS related tasks on ozstar
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Repository for scripts to run CHIPS related tasks on ozstar


This is a wrapper to submit jobs to run CHIPS with the correct order of dependencies of running the jobs. Requires that you put an environment variable $CHIPS_ENV_VARIABLES in your ~/.bashrc to points to you CHIPS environment variables. An explicit example is adding this line:

export CHIPS_ENV_VARIABLES=/fred/oz048/MWA/CODE/CHIPS/JL_CHIPS_OUT/ozstar_env_variables.sh

to the ~/.bashrc, where the contents of /fred/oz048/MWA/CODE/CHIPS/JL_CHIPS_OUT/ozstar_env_variables.sh are:



export CODEDIR
export BEAMDIR
export OBSDIR
export PBSDIR

will guarantee the outputs are written to the correct OUTPUTDIR - if you haven't already, create your own output folder in /fred/oz048/MWA/CODE/CHIPS/, create your own ozstar_env_variables.sh pointed to the OUTPUTDIR and then point $CHIPS_ENV_VARIABLES to it inside you ~/.bashrc.

python run_CHIPS.py --help details each arguement. As a bare minimum, you need to tell run_CHIPS.py where the uvfits data live, how many observations you want to run, and what band they are. There is a combination of 3 arguements: --data_dir, --uvfits_dir, --uvfits_tag which manifest into looking for data in /data_dir/obsID/uvfits_dir/uvfits_tag%02d.uvfits. Note it always takes the obsID from the list in --obs_list. There are many defaults so you may not have to use every arguement. By default, if run_CHIPS.py cannot find the uvfits, it'll throw an error telling you where it looked for them and exit. You can switch this behaviour off with --no_uvfits_check.

An example command using the wrapper is

python /fred/oz048/MWA/CODE/chips_ozstar_tools/run_CHIPS.py \
   --obs_list=/fred/oz048/jline/test_woden/list_test.txt \
   --output_tag=new_CHIPS_wrapper \
   --band=high --obs_range=0,3 \
   --data_dir=/fred/oz048/MWA/data/2013/RTS_residuals \
   --no_clean --no_run

where list_test.txt contains obs ID numbers. --no_clean means the clean script will not be automatically run. --no_run also means the jobs will not be submitted to the queue, so you can check the scripts make sense. Remove this option and the jobs will be submitted to the queue automagically.


**This script has been moved to the chips repo because it corrects for various normalisations and should be tied to the version of chips

This is an IDL script to perform the final binning, masking, and normalizations for CHIPS outputs given either FHD or RTS inputs. Diagnostic plots are also made.

Various libraries are required. Please see the the dependencies of eppsilon if a local installation is desired. Otherwise, add these paths to your IDL_PATH to your environment:


To run, open up an interactive IDL session


Then, compile the program if it not in your environment path or if you are not currently in its directory

.compile <path>/<to>/<chips_ozstar_tools>/plot_chipsout_general.pro

You can now run the script with your specific keywords, for example

plot_chipsout_general, 'my_output_tag', initials='NB', RTS=1, twoD=1, n_freq=384, band='high', lssa_num=0, beam_point_weight = [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.]


General options:

1D cutting options:

Plotting options:

Input and output options:

If anything else is required, please inquire, and we will add an interface.