JMGaljaard / fltk-testbed

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Kubernetes - Federation and Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit (Freddie)

License Python 3.7 Python 3.8 Python 3.9

This toolkit can be used to run Distributed and Federated experiments. This project makes use of Pytorch Distributed (Data Parallel) (docs) as well as Kubernetes, KubeFlow (Pytorch-Operator) (docs) and Helm (docs) for deployment. The goal of this project is to launch Federated Learning nodes in a true distribution fashion, with simple deployments using proven technology.

This project builds on the work by Bart Cox, on the Federated Learning toolkit developed to run with Docker and Docker Compose (repo)

This project is tested with Ubuntu 20.04, Arch Linux, MacOS, with Python {3.7, 3.8, 3.9}. Python 3.9 is recommended.

For an example to use Freddie for Resource Heterogeneous deployment, see also

Future work

Global idea

Pytorch Distributed works based on a world_size and ranks. The ranks should be between 0 and world_size-1. Generally, the process leading the learning process has rank 0 and the clients have ranks [1,..., world_size-1].

Currently, it is assumed that Distributed Learning is performed (and not Federated Learning), however, future extension of the project is planned to implement a FederatedClient that allows for a more realistic simulation of Federated Learning experiments.

(Distributed Learning)

General protocol:

  1. Client creation and spawning by the Orchestrator (using KubeFlows Pytorch-Operator)
  2. Clients prepare needed data and model and synchronize using PyTorch Distributed.
    1. WORLD_SIZE = 1: Client performs training locally.
    2. WORLD_SIZE > 1: Clients run epochs with DistributedDataParallel together.
  3. Client logs/reports progress during and after training.

Important notes:

Federated Learning

General protocol:

  1. Client selection by the Federator.
  2. The selected clients download the model.
  3. Local training on the clients for X number of epochs
  4. Weights/gradients of the trained model are send to the Federator
  5. Federator aggregates the weights/gradients to create a new and improved model
  6. Updated model is shared to the clients
  7. Repeat step 1 to 6 until convergence/stopping condition.

Important notes:

Overview of deployed project

When deploying the system, the following diagram shows how the system operates. PyTorchJobs are launched by the Orchestrator (see the Orchestrator charts). The Extractor keeps track of progress (see the Extractor charts).

The PyTorchJobs can consist on a variable number of machines, with different hardware for the Master/Leader node and the Client nodes. KubeFlow (not depicted) orchestrates the deployment of the PyTorchJobs.

Overview of deployment

Something is broken/missing

It might be that something is missing, please open a pull request/issue).

Project structure

Structure with important folders and files explained:

├── terraform                    # Contains terraform charts for deployment on GKE
├── jupyter                      # Contains jupyter notebook files for setup and loading tensorboard files 
├── charts                       # Templates for deploying projects with Helm 
│   ├── extractor                   - Template for 'extractor' for centralized logging (using NFS)
│   └── orchestrator                - Template for 'orchestrator' for launching distributed experiments 
├── configs                      # General configuration files
│   ├── quantities                  - Files for (Kubernetes) quantity conversion
│   └── tasks                       - Files for experiment description
├── data                         # Directory for default datasets (for a reduced load on hosting providers)
├── fltk                         # Source code
│   ├── datasets                    - Datasets (by default provide Pytorchs Distributed Data-Parallel)
│   ├── nets                        - Default models
│   ├── schedulers                  - Learningrate schedulers
│   ├── strategy                    - (Future) Basic strategies for Federated Learning experiments
│   └── util                        - Helper utilities
│       ├── cluster                    * Cluster interaction (Job Creation and monitoring) 
│       ├── config                     * Configuration file loading
│       └── task                       * Arrival/TrainTask generation
└── logging                      # Default logging location

Execution modes

Federated Learning experiments can be set up in various ways (Simulation, Emulation, or fully distributed). Not all have the same requirements and thus some setup are more suited then others depending on the experiment.


With the method as single machine is used to execute all the different nodes in the system. The execution is done in a sequential manner, i.e. first node 1 is executed, then node 2, and so on. One of the upsides of this option is the ability to use GPU acceleration for the computations.

Docker-Compose (Emulation)

With systems like docker we can emulate a federated learning system on a single machine. Each node is allocated to one or more CPU cores and executed in an isolated container. This allows for real-time experiments where timing is important and where the execution of clients have effect on eachother. Docker also allows for containers to be limited by CPU speed, RAM, and network properties.

Real distributed (Google Cloud)

In this case, the code is deployed natively on a machine, for example a cluster. The is the closest real-world approximation when experimenting with Federated Learning systems. This allows for real-time experiments where timing is important and where the execution of clients have effect on eachother. A downside of this method is the shear number of machines needed to run an experiment. Additionally the compute speed and other hardware spcifications are more difficult to limit.


The Docker (Compose) and real-distributed method can be mixed in a hybrid system. For example two servers can run a set of docker containers that are linked to each other. Similarly, a set of docker images on a server can participate in a system with real distributed machines.




The following tools need to be set up in your development environment before working with the (Kubernetes) FLTK.

Getting started

Before continuing a deployment, first, the used datasets need to be downloaded. This is done to prevent the need for downloading each dataset for each container. Per default, these models are included in the Docker container that gets deployed on a Kubernetes Cluster.

Download datasets

To download the models, execute the following command from the project root.

python3 -m fltk extractor ./configs/example_cloud_experiment.json  

Deployment (MiniKube + Terraform)

To setup the test-bed on a singel machine using Terraform, the following setup needs to be done. This can be achieved through following the steps described in jupyter/terraform_notebook_local.ipynb.

This deployment is mainly intended for quick local debugging, or rapid testing with minimal cost and setup. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully, and update references in charts to original values if needed. In case you want to work parallely on a real cluster and locally, we recommend updating the notebook to reflect your real system, and using Minikubes' docker environment to re-build your developed containers to.

Deployment (Terraform + GKE)

To setup the test-bed using Terraform, the following setup needs to be done. This can be achieved through following the steps described in jupyter/terraform_notebook.ipynb.


Before starting the jupyter notebook server locally, make sure to have the following dependencies installed. We will create a virtual environment capable of running a jupyter notebook server with a bash_kernel.

For Windows users, make sure to run the following commands in a bash capable terminal, e.g. using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

python3 -m venv venv-jupyter
source venv-jupyter/bin/activate

# Install python dependencies for running the notebook
pip3 install -r requirements-jupyter.txt
# Install bash kernel to use for the notebook
python3 -m bash_kernel.install

When running the notebook (through an IDE or browser), make sure to set the kernel to the freshly installed bash_kernel. Otherwise, the cells will be ran as Python code...

Deploying cluster and dependencies

To start working in the notebook, run the following command in a bash shell, and follow the steps in the notebook.

# To open browser automatically
jupyter notebook jupyter/

# To avoid opening in the browser and display the link instead
jupyter notebook jupyter/ --no-browser

Click on the link that is displayed in the output, default is localhost:8888, and open the terraform notebook.

Running the Extractor and Experiments

Creating and uploading Docker container

The following commands will all (unless specified otherwise) be executed in the project root of the git repo. Before we do so, first we need to setup a Python interpreter/environmen, this can also be used for development.

Afterwards, we can run the following commands to build the Docker container. With the use of BuildKit, consecutive builds allow to use cached requirements. Speeding up your builds when adding Python dependencies to your project.

N.B. make sure to have run gcloud auth configure-docker, and allow Docker to run sudo-less link.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --platform linux/amd64 . --tag<project-id>/fltk
docker push<project-id>/fltk

Setting up the Extractor

This section only needs to be run once, as this will set up the TensorBoard service, as well as create the Volumes needed for the deployment of the Orchestrator's chart. It does, however, require you to have pushed the docker container to a registry that can be accessed from your Cluster.

N.B. that removing the Extractor chart will result in the deletion of the Persistent Volumes once all Claims are released. This will remove the data that is stored on these volumes. Make sure to copy the contents of these directories to your local file system before uninstalling the Extractor Helm chart. The following commands deploy the Extractor Helm chart, under the name extractor in the test Namespace.\ Make sure to update the project name in the chart of the extractor in case you have changed the default PROJECT_ID.

cd charts
helm install extractor ./extractor -f fltk-values.yaml --namespace test

And wait for it to deploy. (Check with helm ls –namespace test)

N.B. To download data from the Extractor node (which mounts the logging director), the following kubectl command can be used. This will download the data in the logging directory to your file system. Note that downloading many small files is slow (as they will be compressed individually). The command assumes that the default name is used fl-extractor.

EXTRACTOR_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n test -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl cp -n test $EXTRACTOR_POD_NAME:/opt/federation-lab/logging ./logging

Which will copy the data to a directory logging (you may have to create this directory using mkdir logging).

Launching an experiment

We have now completed the setup of the project and can continue by running actual experiments.

Federated Experiment
helm install flearner charts/orchestrator --namespace test -f charts/fltk-values.yaml \
  --set-file orchestrator.experiment=./configs/federated_tasks/example_arrival_config.json,\
Distributed Experiment
helm install flearner charts/orchestrator --namespace test -f charts/fltk-values.yaml \
  --set-file orchestrator.experiment=./configs/distributed_tasks/example_arrival_config.json,\

Deployment (manual)

Please refer to the wiki pages to see how to deploy manually. This has been replaced to rely on terraform in the future (see above).

Running tests

In addition to the FLTK framework implementation, some tests are available to prevent regression of bugs. Currently, only a limited subset of features is tested of FLTK. All current tests are deterministic, flaky tests indicate that something is likely broken.

To run the test included, run the following command to run the tests in a terminal:

python3 -m pytest tests

These tests should all pass (currently, mainly providing smoke tests). Warnings can be safely ignored.


Setup a development virtual environment, using the requirements-dev.txt requirements file. This will install the same requirements as the requirements.txt, with some additional packages needed to run the tests.

python3 -m venv venv-dev
source venv-dev/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Executing tests

Make sure to run in a shell with the venv-dev virtual environment. With the environment enabled, we can run using:

python3 -m pytest -v

Which will collect and run all the tests in the repository, and show in verbose which tests passed.

Known issues / Limitations