JNoDuq / videobench

VMAF PSNR Bitrate Analyzer
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VideoBench (VMAF PSNR Bitrate Analyzer)


Video Bench is a tool that makes it easy to compare transcoded video files with a reference file (source)

Video Bench

How to install

Install prerequisites on Linux

Install Docker

Install Docker

Make sure you can run a docker container

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

Install python3

sudo apt-get install python3

Install pyside2

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install pyside2

Install prerequisites on Mac OS

Install Docker

Install Docker

Install python3

brew install python3

Install pyside2

brew install python3-pip
pip3 install pyside2

Install prerequisites on Windows

Install Docker

For be able to use Docker on windows you need to have Windows 10 64bit Pro, Enterprise or Education

Install Docker

Install python3

Install python3 Don't forget to click on "add python to PATH"

Install pyside2

pip install pyside2

Create docker container

Download or clone the repo

cd videobench
docker build -t  docker-videobench -f ./Dockerfile ./

How to use it

Using the GUI

Run the GUI

python3 videobench_ui.py

or on windows

python videobench_ui.py

Video Bench GUI overview

For more information read the article on VideoBench

Using the command line

example :

python3 videobench.py -ref ref_files.mp4 -i test_file1.mp4 test_file2.mp4 test_file2.mp4 -sync -0.1 -sw 0.2 

help :

python3 videobench.py -h