JOEY-WANG-UWA / CITS5505_Group_Project

This is the repository for CITS5505 Group Project
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Orange Book Web Application


The Orange Book web application is a platform designed to capture and share the positive energy and beautiful lives of the youth in this era. Users can create an account and log in to share their experiences through text and image posts. The application also allows users to update profiles, follow or unfollow other users, search and more. It aims to foster a supportive and inspiring community where young people can connect and celebrate their achievements and everyday moments.

Group Members

UWA ID Name GitHub Username
23853193 Lingzi Huangfu LizzzzHFFF
23806063 Yuxiao Shi Rita2023
23956788 Zihan Zhang Zihan-Zhang810
23191783 Jiandong Wang JOEY-WANG-UWA

Instructions for Launching the Application

To launch the application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd CITS5505_Group_Project
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment & Install the required dependencies:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the application:

    cd microblog/app
    flask run

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5000.

Instructions for Running the Tests

To run the tests for the application, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the virtual environment is activated:
    source venv/bin/activate
  2. Run the tests using pytest:
    cd microblog
    python -m unittest
    python -m unittest

    Test account:

    • Username: susan
    • password: susan