JPBP22 / nutrition-app

App built on flutter to recommend vitamins for a monthly susbcription
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App built on flutter to recommend diets to meet users goal on a weekly basis.

  1. Login & Sign up.

    • Create user and login.
      1. Add photo.
      2. Choose username.
      3. Choose password.
      4. Confirm password.
      5. Gender.
      6. Height and weight.
  2. User profile.

    • Privacy and settings.
    • Edit user.
      1. Edit photo.
      2. Edit username.
      3. Change password.
      4. Edit gender.
      5. Edit height and weight
      6. Add measurements.
  3. Homepage.

    • Top left icon with user profile photo.
    • Floating sections:
      1. Ask gpt.
      2. Dishes section.
      3. Profile section.
  4. Menu

    • We include a bottom navigation bar.
    • We include a hidden navigation bar at the side.
  5. Edamam API connected with Nnutritional gpt (Chat gpt api to receive recommendations about the nutritional plans the user shuld follow).

    • Share your results with others (TBD).
    • Share your dishes with gpt to get suggestions from it.
  6. Dishes section.

    • Filter and search dishes.
    • Include grid view of the different dishes.
      1. Tap on the dishes to check for recipe and nutritional info.