JQ-pan / Mist

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Welcome to Mist

Welcome to Mist, your one-stop destination for all things gaming – from discovering and purchasing games to sharing reviews.

Mist (live link) is a homage to the video game distribution system known as Steam, which was developed by Valve Corporation. Instead of modern video games, I have opted to use Nintendo Entertainment System games which were some of the most popular arcade games in the early 1980s.

Technologies used

Featured Carousel

The most prominent feature in this application is the Featured & Recommended carousel on the home page.

Each slide of the carousel displays images and text that are relevant to one game including one main image and four game screenshots

Carousel gif

Instead of using a carousel library online, I decided to build it from scratch to practice my skills in React using functional components and hooks.

// components/GameIndexPage/Featured.js
const Featured = ({ games }) => {
    const [counter, setCounter] = useState(1);
    const [pause, setPause] = useState(false);

    // Handles the right arrow onClick
    const handleNext = () => {
        if (counter !== games.length) {
            setCounter(counter + 1);
        } else {

    // Handles the left arrow onClick
    const handlePre = () => {
        if (counter !== 1) {
            setCounter(counter - 1);
        } else {

    // Handles clicking on nubs corresponding with slide index
    const handlePage = page => {

    return (
        // Carousel is rendered with a list of nubs directly underneath
        {games.map((game, i) =>
            <div key={i} className={counter - 1 === i ? "show" : "not-show"}>
                <FeaturedItem key={i} game={game} isActive={counter - 1 === i} />

        {games.map((game, i) => (
            <span key={i} className={counter - 1 === i ? "dot displayed" : "dot"} onClick={() => handlePage(i + 1)} />


Each item that is featured in this carousel are rendered on load so the carousel can switch between slides seamlessly

// components/GameIndexPage/FeaturedItem.js
const FeaturedItem = ({ game, isActive }) => {
    const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
    const imageUrls = game.images.slice(1) || [];

    // Handle mouse events listens for the user's mouse hovering over one of the side images in order to render it on the main image container
    const handleMouseEnter = index => {
        if (isActive) {

    // When the user's mouse leaves, render the default main image instead.
    const handleMouseLeave = () => {
        if (isActive) {

    const mainImage = imageUrls.map((img, i) => {
        return (
                className={index === i ? "main-image show-slide" : "main-image not-show-slide"} 
                src={imageUrls[i]} alt="" />

    const sideImages = imageUrls.slice(1, 5).map((imageUrl, i) => {
        return (
            <div key={i}>
                    src={imageUrl} alt="" 
                    onMouseEnter={() => handleMouseEnter(i + 1)}
                    onMouseLeave={() => handleMouseLeave()}

Game Show Carousel

Game Carousel


Library Screenshot

Shopping cart

Shopping cart


To do / future features