JR-1991 / md-models

⚒️ - Rust parser for markdown data models
MIT License
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Markdown Models

Build Status

This is a markdown parser and converter for Rust that can be used to parse markdown data model files and convert them to various formats, schemes and programming languages.


In order to install the command line tool, you can use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/JR-1991/md-models
cd md-models
cargo install --path .

Command line usage

The command line tool can be used to convert markdown files to various formats. The following command will convert a markdown file to Python code:

md-models -i model.md -o lib.py -l python-dataclass

This will read the input file model.md and write the output to lib.py using the Python dataclass template. Alternatively, you can also pass a URL as input to fetch the model remotely. For an overview of all available templates, you can use the following command:

md-models --help

Available templates

The following templates are available:


This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration. The tests can be run using the following command:

cargo test
cargo clippy