JSKAerialRobot / jsk_uav_forest

THe platform for the uav forest challenge
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challenge uav

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This is the repository for the uav challenge in forest: 森のドローン・ロボット競技会

how to compile

mkdir <catkin_ws>
cd <catkin_ws>
wstool init src
wstool set -t src jsk_uav_forest http://github.com/JSKAerialRobot/jsk_uav_forest --git
wstool merge -t src https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JSKAerialRobot/jsk_uav_forest/master/jsk_uav_forest.rosinstall
wstool update -t src
rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
catkin build

how to run program in simulation

start by clicking the Send Topic button in the left-bottom corner of RVIZ

use terminal to operate the quadrotor

forest challenge (using DJI M100 + DJI Guidance + Pointgrey Chameleon3 + Hokuyo UST20LX)

  1. integrated launch file in UAV

    $ roslaunch jsk_uav_forest_common challenge.launch (same options with the above cases according to different tasks)
  2. remote communication in UAV

    $ roslaunch jsk_uav_forest_common communication2ground_station.launch UAV_IP:= GROUND_STATION_IP:=10.42.0.XXX

    10.42.0.XXX is the IP address of you rmeote PC.

  3. remote communication in Remote PC

    roslaunch jsk_uav_forest_common ground_station.launch UAV_IP:= GROUND_STATION_IP:=10.42.0.XXX

    10.42.0.XXX is the IP address of you rmeote PC.

  4. start the task

    $ rostopic pub /task_start std_msgs/Empty "{}"

view the result

$ roslaunch jsk_uav_forest_common result.launch

default data is the result from the gazebo.