What is J-STAR ?
A Desktop version PI-STAR, with HDMI, Remote Desktop, High efficiency software toolkit for MMDVM Project. In this project (build in Raspbian OS), you can easy to make the following interesting functions work.
MMDVM Digital mode, FM Mode, FM Netowrk, Alistarlink, DVSwitch, Sip, Analog_reflector, USRP Client, APRS(Direwolf) ,and so on
Also I add some very useful tools, such as: visual software manager, Pi-Apps, you can install the application you need, such as AnyDesk, just like you use Windows, MacOS convenient.
More features continue to be added and improved, such as SDR++, OpenWebRX, Spectrum analysis software. In J-STAR, you can complete your MMDVM repeater, hotspot debugging and daily remote maintenance.
Why J ? My callsign including the J.
Subscribe update daily & weekly https://groups.io/g/J-STAR
Wiki for J-STAR https://github.com/JTA-STAR/J-STAR/wiki/J%E2%80%90STAR-wiki
Project Statement, Disclaimer:
J-STAR Based on open source MMDVM, PI-STAR, WPSD.
This software is for use on amateur radio networks only, it is to be used for educational purposes only.
Its use on commercial networks is strictly prohibited.
Tool 1: balenaEtcher for macOS ,Windows , Not need format before flash.
Download https://etcher.balena.io/
Tool 2: Win32 disk image Writer for Windows (Need format SD Card before flash)
SDFormatter: https://www.bi7jta.org/files/PiStarTools/SDFormatterv4.zip
Win32 disk image Writer: https://www.bi7jta.org/files/PiStarTools/win32diskimager-1.0.0-install.zip
change the update server and update to the new version.
Support: Raspberry Pi 4B,3B, 3A,Zero . (NOT support 5B, 2W)
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
Lite Preview Edition, the purpose is to adapt Raspberry Pi 5B. NOT including Alistarlink, DVSwitch, Sip, Analog_reflector, USRP Client, APRS(Direwolf)
Support: Raspberry Pi 5B , (NOT support 3B, 2W, ZW, In RPi 4B, the /dev/ttyAMA0 not detect)
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release: 12
Codename: bookworm
Lite Preview Edition, the purpose is to adapt Raspberry Pi 2W. NOT including Alistarlink, DVSwitch, Sip, Analog_reflector, USRP Client, APRS(Direwolf)
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release: 11
Codename: bullseye
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release: 11
Codename: bullseye
VirtualBox 6.1+ ,macOS10.13.6+ , Windows 10+,64bit(Not support Win7).
If need VMWare, EXSi use, you need export from VirtualBox yourself.
The same version as J-STAR for X86_64 VirtualBox
Known issue : the Desktop lost after import from VisualBox ova format.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/v3f446 (Facebook)
https://t.me/+HTzVv--5ZLs1YWU1 (Telegram)
https://discord.gg/JySeg9BgaN (Discord)
Issue: https://github.com/JTA-STAR/J-STAR/issues?q=
I will fix and notifiy you the update in J-STAR Dashboard
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