JTrenerry / nix-config

Nix more like meow
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Nix OS config for multiple hosts (none are defined but will be when I move some computers over)

jackson@glaceon is a school laptop that uses Hyprland and rose-pine-moon theme.

The hyprland config has various keybinds that can be seen in the hyprland folder's md. It uses the rose-pine-moon theme and the wallpaper, face image, and rofi background comes from ~/.wallpaper.jpg, ~/.face.png and ~/.rofi.jpg.

Basic folder structure:

├── home
│   ├── hosts
│   │   └── glaceon
│   └── modules
│       ├── gui
│       │   ├── hyprland
│       │   └── rofi
│       └── tui
│           ├── dev
│           ├── neovim
│           │   └── plugins
│           └── shell
├── lib
└── nixos
    └── hosts
        └── glaceon
            ├── gdx
            └── scripts

The home directory is the basis for all home-manager modules, it then splits into hosts, i.e. the computer and modules (gui and tui for now) these have anything I would need if the computer only is a terminal based system or if I want a gui.

The nixos directory is the basis for all nixos modules, it has the hosts dir which deals with each computer that will use it, for now it is just a school laptop called glaceon.