JVision / Handheld-Multi-Frame-Super-Resolution

An implementation of the paper Handheld Multi-Frame Super-Resolution
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An implementation of the paper Handheld Multi-Frame Super-Resolution by Bartlomiej Wronski bwronski@google.com Ignacio Garcia-Dorado ignaciod@google.com Manfred Ernst ernstm@google.com Damien Kelly damienkelly@google.com Michael Krainin mkrainin@google.com Chia-Kai Liang ckliang@google.com Marc Levoy levoy@google.com Peyman Milanfar milanfar@google.com

This implementation serves as a tool for myself to understand traditional Super resolution techniques. If you find this implementation useful please cite the following paper.

@article{Wronski:2019:HMS:3306346.3323024, author = {Wronski, Bartlomiej and Garcia-Dorado, Ignacio and Ernst, Manfred and Kelly, Damien and Krainin, Michael and Liang, Chia-Kai and Levoy, Marc and Milanfar, Peyman}, title = {Handheld Multi-frame Super-resolution}, journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.}, issue_date = {July 2019}, volume = {38}, number = {4}, month = jul, year = {2019}, issn = {0730-0301}, pages = {28:1--28:18}, articleno = {28}, numpages = {18}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3306346.3323024}, doi = {10.1145/3306346.3323024}, acmid = {3323024}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {computational photography, image processing, photography, super-resolution}, }