JWLiang007 / PFF

Official implementation of "Poisoned Forgery Face: Towards Backdoor Attacks on Face Forgery Detection" (ICLR 2024)
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Poisoned Forgery Face: Towards Backdoor Attacks on Face Forgery Detection

This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper at ICLR 2024 (Spotlight):

Poisoned Forgery Face: Towards Backdoor Attacks on Face Forgery Detection
Jiawei Liang, Siyuan Liang, Aishan Liu, Xiaojun Jia, Junhao Kuang, Xiaochun Cao

1. Dataset

Download FaceForensics++ and DeepFakeDetection and Celeb-DF-v2 datasets and place them in ./data/ folder.

Please refer to ./data/datasets.md.

2. Env

(1) Basic environment setup

conda create -n dfdbd python=3.8 && conda activate dfdbd
pip install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2
sudo apt-get install -y cmake  && pip install dlib
pip install pandas opencv-python tqdm  imutils cmake easydict zipp imgaug efficientnet_pytorch imagecorruptions flask

(2) Build retinaface from source

git clone https://github.com/ternaus/retinaface.git 

# Replace the content in the requirements.txt file with the following:

cd retinaface && pip install -v -e .

(3) Clone the PFF code

git clone https://github.com/JWLiang007/PFF.git

3. Preprocess

(1) Download landmark detector (shape_predictor_81_face_landmarks.dat) from here and place it in ./src/preprocess/ folder.

(2) Download code for landmark augmentation:

mkdir src/utils/library
git clone https://github.com/AlgoHunt/Face-Xray.git src/utils/library

(3) Following SBI, we extract faces from videos.

python src/preprocess/crop_dlib_ff.py -n 32 -d Original -c c23 -p train  
python src/preprocess/crop_dlib_ff.py -n 32 -d Original -c c23 -p val  
python src/preprocess/crop_dlib_ff.py -n 32 -d all -c c23 -p test 
python src/preprocess/crop_retina_ff.py -n 32 -d Original -c c23 -p train -gid 0 
python src/preprocess/crop_retina_ff.py -n 32 -d Original -c c23 -p val -gid 0 
python src/preprocess/crop_retina_ff.py -n 32 -d all -c c23 -p test  -gid 0 

3. Generate trigger

cd src/utils/trigger_gen && python training_texture.py --kernel_size 5 

# Cache the backdoor trigger using the trained trigger generator
cd src/utils/bd_utils  && python patch_gen_server.py --gen-mode $mode --bs 1 --gid 0

3. Train backdoor model

python src/train_sbi_bd.py src/configs/sbi/base.json -n sbi_advt_gen_sharpen_5 --yaml-path src/configs/bd/attack/advt_gen/sbi_advt_gen_sharpen_5.yaml -c c23  --gpu-id 0 

3. Test backdoor model

python src/utils/bd_utils/test_pool.py  --weight $CHECKPOINT --wl --yaml src/configs/bd/attack/advt_gen/sbi_advt_gen_sharpen_5.yaml   --gid 0   -c c23 --dataset all  --cache-clean  --abd


Our code is based on the project SBI and BackdoorBench.