JWebCoding / LibraryDesktop

A desktop application to interact with a book database
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java javafx



This program's primary purpose is to streamline the process of adding books to a relational database of books that I may happen to own. The end goal is to make the process of maintaining a complete record of my personal collection much easier than it currently is with minimal interaction with the database.

Recent Updates

This application is currently in the midst of a major update. Nearly every class has been altered significantly and the UI is currently being re-worked to be more functional and better fulfil the needs of the creator and other potential user.

The program is currently in a feature complete state* though other ideas are being considered for implementation as well.

*By this, the author means that the program currently meets the pre-established goals that were in mind when intial work began. More features are in mind but most work on the application form now on will be bug fixes.

Major libraries used:

JavaFX https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/

The other libraires are added through maven and can be found in the pom.xml file.

VM Arguments:

--module-path C:\JavaExtras\javafx-sdk-16\lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml --add-opens=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED