Ja7ad / amqp

Wrapped amqp091-go with specific stable/safe regarding connection (Production Ready)
MIT License
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amqp Go Reference

The AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) package in Go is a wrapper for amqp091-go, offering a specific focus on stable and secure connection management. This package provides a high-level interface for interacting with RabbitMQ, emphasizing reliability and safety in connection handling. Key features include automatic reconnection strategies, a simplified API for creating consumers and publishers, and graceful connection closure. By wrapping amqp091-go with stability and safety in mind, this package facilitates robust and secure messaging in Go applications. Explore the documentation to leverage the power of AMQP with confidence in your projects.



go get -u github.com/Ja7ad/amqp

Example Consumer

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`

type Greeting struct {
    Msg string `json:"msg"`

const (
    routingKeyPerson   = "person"
    routingKeyGreeting = "greeting"

func main() {
    done := make(chan struct{})

    b, err := amqp.New("uri")
    if err != nil {

    con, err := b.Consumer(
            Name:       "test",
            Kind:       types.Topic,
            Declare:    true,
            Passive:    false,
            Durable:    true,
            AutoDelete: false,
            Internal:   false,
            NoWait:     false,
            Arguments:  nil,
            Name:       "test",
            Declare:    true,
            Durable:    true,
            Passive:    false,
            Exclusive:  false,
            AutoDelete: false,
            NoWait:     false,
            Arguments:  nil,
            Name:      "test1",
            AutoAck:   false,
            Exclusive: false,
            NoLocal:   false,
            NoWait:    false,
            Arguments: nil,
                Key:     "greeting",
                Declare: true,
                Key:     "person",
                Declare: true,

    if err := con.Start(); err != nil {


func handler(routingKey string, msgFunc func(vPtr any) (types.Delivery, error)) types.Action {
    switch routingKey {
    case routingKeyPerson:
        person := new(Person)
        msg, err := msgFunc(person)
        if err != nil {
            return types.NackDiscard

        fmt.Printf("routingKey: %s, msg: %v\n", msg.RoutingKey, person)
        return types.Ack
    case routingKeyGreeting:
        greeting := new(Greeting)
        msg, err := msgFunc(greeting)
        if err != nil {
            return types.NackDiscard

        fmt.Printf("routingKey: %s, msg: %v\n", msg.RoutingKey, greeting)
        return types.Ack
        return types.Reject


Example Publisher

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`

type Greeting struct {
    Msg string `json:"msg"`

const (
    routingKeyPerson   = "person"
    routingKeyGreeting = "greeting"

func main() {
    rb, err := amqp.New("uri")
    if err != nil {

    pub, err := rb.Publisher(&types.Exchange{
        Name:       "test",
        Kind:       types.Topic,
        Declare:    true,
        Passive:    false,
        Durable:    true,
        AutoDelete: false,
        Internal:   false,
        NoWait:     false,
        Arguments:  nil,
    }, false)
    if err != nil {

    person := &Person{
        Name: "javad",
        Age:  30,

    if err := pub.Publish(false, false, types.Publishing{
        DeliveryMode: types.Persistent,
        Body:         person,
    }, routingKeyPerson); err != nil {

    greeting := &Greeting{
        Msg: "foobar",

    if err := pub.Publish(false, false, types.Publishing{
        DeliveryMode: types.Persistent,
        Body:         greeting,
    }, routingKeyGreeting); err != nil {