This is an template project to start developping a minecraft plugin for Spigot server.
The project is separated in two folders:
First, you’ll need to build the image according to your needs. Then, you’ll need to run the docker container. Finally, you can start/stop the container as you need.
To build the docker image and name it "spigot", simply run the following command at the root of the spigot-docker folder:
docker buildx build . -t <image name>:<image version> --build-arg MINECRAFT_VERSION=<minecraft version>
Here is an example to build spigot 1.21.1 and create the spigot:1.21.1 docker image
docker buildx build . --build-arg MINECRAFT_VERSION=1.21.1 -t spigot:1.21.1
Then, to run the image, use the following command:
docker run -d --rm --name <instance name> -p <local port>:<export port> -v <local path>:<container path> <image name>:<image version>
docker run -p 25565:25565 -v D:\work\dev\minecraft\tmp_data:/mnt/server_data/ spigot:1.21.1 -d --name spigot
Please note, if you run the server by mounting /mnt/server_data, it will stop after generating a bunch of files. It’s then mandatory to accept the licence by editing the eula.txt file and changing eula=false to eula=true. You can also edit to tune the server configuration.
To build the plugin, go to the plugin folder and run
gradlew build
The plugin will be generated in build/libs folder.
To deploy it, copy the .jar file to the folder mounted in /mnt/server_data/plugins (D:\work\dev\minecraft\tmp_data\plugins in my example) and restart the minecraft server.
Note that docker start/stop does not restart the minecraft server.
To do so, you have to remove the container and recreating it, or more simply use the --rm parameter to delete it when it’s started.
docker run --rm -it --name spigot -p 25565:25565 -v D:\work\dev\minecraft\tmp_data:/mnt/server_data spigot:1.21.1
Java Remote Debug Mode is activated on port 5005. You can map this port to your computer using the -p parameter. For example:
docker run --rm -it --name spigot -p 25565:25565 -p 5005:5005 -v D:\work\dev\minecraft\tmp_data:/mnt/server_data spigot:1.21.1