JacekDob / Sonoff-Tasmota

Provide ESP32 with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 12 forks source link


ESP32 port of Tasmota Prepared for Wemos ESP32.

Working (Tested)

Should work (compiles, not tested)

Not ported


ESP32 for Arduino IDE

Please follow Installation Instructions


If working with Arduino IDE: copy all project libraries from \lib to Arduino\libraries

External additional libraries (in lib directory):


If working with Arduino IDE: set Tool->Board->ESP32 Dev Module

Headers definitions

To compile in user_config_override.h should be:

#undef USE_ADC_VCC    // Needs to be ported
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE  // IRremoteESP8266 needs to be ported
#undef SNFBRIDGE      // No commercial device, no sense porting

WString support

Additionally add:

Partially not working

In code there are marked parts with #warning


This program is licensed under GPL-3.0