Jack-Lowe-7 / DWP-Project

Stamp reward system redesign as part of project with DWP
MIT License
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DWP Stamp Redesign Project

As part of project with the Department of Work and Pensions Digital Team, I wrote a redesign for the current paper rewards system at my school.

Contributors License

Table Of Contents

Built With

We used python for this project, and the built in SQLite3 module to handle the database - this is then served to the client via a Flask based website

Getting Started

We went through a few iterations of access - the web app was our final decision, however the local GUI & CLI versions are still in the repo To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


This will run in the terminal (2. c.), however it's advised to use the GUI made with the PySimpleGUI module to see the full functionality in terms of a local app. The web app is however, the best option as the others have been deprecated.

pip install pysimplegui
pip3 install pysimplegui

The web app runs through a flask server, to run it you need flask

pip install flask
pip3 install flask


  1. Clone or download the repo
git clone https://github.com/Jack-Lowe-7/DWP-Project.git
  1. a. For the web app, ensuring you are in the site directory, run
    flask run --cert=adhoc

    This will run the webapp out of https://[localhost]:500
    b.For the GUI, ensure you have PySimpleGUI, then run the guiAccess.py script
    c. For console, simply run the consoleAccess.py script


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

