Jack477 / CommanderPi

Easy RaspberryPi4 GUI system managment
MIT License
191 stars 33 forks source link
arm linux overclock raspberry-pi twisteros


Easy Raspberry Pi 4 GUI system manager.

Included in TwisterOS!

>PiLAB project<


Nothing, every Linux distribution has a Python interpreter!


-Check your system information (CPU temperature, CPU usage, Kernel version,etc) with an user friendly menu.
-Easy overclocking!
-Checks the actual bootloader configuration and setup your own!
-Switch between the 64bit and 32bit Linux Kernel! (EXPERIMENTAL)

To download the software.

Open a terminal and type: cd ~; git clone https://github.com/Jack477/CommanderPi

Steps to update the software.

-CommanderPi must be version 0.4.5+ to update. ( If your version of CommanderPi doesn't fulfill those requirements, you should download the newest version and reinstall it.)

-Press the Update application button in the About window.


First open a terminal and type cd CommanderPi
(Then make install.sh executable! sudo chmod +x install.sh )
Finally install it with ./install.sh

Version history

To see the version history, click here.


Support me

All my work is provided for free, I'm doing stuff from fans for fans and learning by this too, improving TwisterOS.
I'm a student, Next year, I'm going to the Institute of Technology. If you like my work, you can support me. Thanks you! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jack47legos