JackBellinger / blog

personal blog
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

My blog

A personal blog / portfolio to post articles and devlogs.

Tech Stack

Built with Svelte, Vite, and Axum. The backend is in the server directory and the blog frontend is in the svelte_front directory. There's a placeholder yew todo app is in the yew_front directory that I added to test out serving multiple frontends from the same webserver. The frontend is currently hosted on Github pages for simplicity until I implement backend features.

Check out the devlog for more details.

It was built with a few goals in mind:

Live site

The blog (svelte_front) is currently hosted on github pages at jackbellinger.github.io/blog. The backend will be up soon once I finish testing and pick domain name & a hosting location.


You'll need NodeJS, NPM, and Rust installed.

NodeJs - Install Rust - Install Trunk - Install

To install the blog's dependencies,

Building & Running Locally

To run the whole app locally, you'll need to

Build and bundle the Svelte frontend

cd svelte_front
# Install dependencies
npm ci
# Compile the SvelteJS and bundle with Vite
npm run build
# Move the assets & 404 page to the right location
npm run bundle

Build and Bundle the Yew frontend

For the Yew app there's a build script

cd yew_front
#Run the build script

All it does is:

#make sure we have wasm taget
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
trunk build --release --dist "dist/yew" --public-url "/yew"
(cd dist/yew && tar c .) | (cd dist && tar xf -)
rm -rf dist/yew

Build and run the Axum Backend

cargo audit && cargo build
export SERVER_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 64)
cargo run --bin server --release -- --addr localhost --port 5173 --log debug

You can also hot-reload the blog

cd svelte_front
# Install dependencies
npm ci
# Run hot-reloading localhost frontend
npm run dev

The site should now be available at http://localhost:5173/ on your local machine, and your local machine's IP address on your network—great for testing on mobile OSes.

Managing Posts

All posts are Markdown files that are processed with MDsveX to allow using Svelte components inside them. Make sure to set the file association for .svx files to Markdown to get highlighting. I use a browser and hot reloading to preview the markdown, but there's also a Front Matter VS Code extension.


There's a github action in the repo to publish the svelte_front static builds to github pages. I'll add details on deployment once I host my own backend.