JackFawthorpe / mas-competition-backend

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Local Development


Pre-requisites: Docker
From the root directory

cd ./docker  
docker compose up

You can now navigate to localhost:8300 and use the following credentials to log into the database

username: user
password: password

Once you are adminer you will want to create a database called mascompetition

Default Users


email: admin
password: Password1!

Creating users

You can create more users by using the postman endpoint suite. Simply hit the login endpoint as the administrator and then use the AddUsers endpoint


The backend application is deployed with the use of docker containers. The following steps are required in order to deploy the application.

  1. Generate the JAR of the backend with the command ./gradlew bootJar
  2. The docker backend docker image needs to be built. This can be achieved with docker build -t mas-competition-backend -f docker/Dockerfile . In the root directory of the project.
  3. With the image built, navigate to ./docker and run the following command docker compose up.

The staging application will be deployed with the context /test/ meaning to access what is usually /login you must hit /test/login

Extracting Agents from container

It may be that you want the source code to be taken out of the VM for data procesing. This can be achieved with

docker cp container_id:/app/agents/* /desired/destination/path