Jackardios / css-to-tailwindcss

Convert CSS to TailwindCSS 3.x
MIT License
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classes converter css tailwind tailwindcss

Convert CSS to TailwindCSS 3.x

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Convert your CSS to TailwindCSS 3.x respecting TailwindCSS configuration

🔗 Demo

🔗 VS Code Extension already available 🎉

VSCode demo



npm install css-to-tailwindcss


import { TailwindConverter } from 'css-to-tailwindcss';

const converter = new TailwindConverter({
  remInPx: 16, // set null if you don't want to convert rem to pixels
  postCSSPlugins: [require('postcss-nested')], // add any postcss plugins to this array
  tailwindConfig: {
    // your tailwind config here
    content: [],
    theme: {
      extend: {
        colors: {
          'custom-color': {
            100: '#123456',
            200: 'hsla(210, 100%, 51.0%, 0.016)',
            300: '#654321',
            gold: 'hsl(41, 28.3%, 79.8%)',
            marine: 'rgb(4, 55, 242, 0.75)',
        screens: {
          'custom-screen': { min: '768px', max: '1024px' },
      supports: {
        grid: 'display: grid',
        flex: 'display: flex',

const inputCSS = `
:root {
  --some-color: #090909;

.foo {
  padding: 0.875em 256px;
  margin-left: 16px;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 12px;
  transition: color, background-color, border-color, text-decoration-color, fill,
    stroke 200ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);
  animation-delay: 200ms;

  &:hover {
    filter: blur(4px) brightness(0.5) sepia(100%) contrast(1) hue-rotate(30deg)
      invert(0) opacity(0.05) saturate(1.5);
    color: hsl(41, 28.3%, 79.8%);
    font-size: 1.25rem;

  &[aria-disabled="true"] {
    width: 25%;
    color: var(--some-color);
    font-size: 1em;

  @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    top: auto;
    bottom: auto;
    left: 25%;
    right: 25%;

  @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
    min-width: 100%;
    margin-right: -24px;

  @supports (display: grid) {
    display: grid;
    grid-column: span 1 / span 1;

.foo.bar {
  padding: 0.875rem 256px 15%;
  transform: translateX(12px) translateY(-0.5em) skew(1deg, 3deg)
    scale(-0.75, 1.05) rotate(-0.25turn);

  &::after {
    content: "*";
    animation: spin 1s linear infinite;

converter.convertCSS(inputCSS).then(({ convertedRoot, nodes }) => {

Console output


:root {
  --some-color: #090909;

.foo {
  @apply text-center text-xs transition-colors duration-200 ease-out ml-4 px-64 py-[0.875em] hover:blur-sm hover:brightness-50 hover:sepia hover:contrast-100 hover:hue-rotate-30 hover:invert-0 hover:opacity-5 hover:saturate-150 hover:text-custom-color-gold hover:text-xl disabled:w-3/12 disabled:text-[color:var(--some-color)] disabled:text-[1em] md:inset-x-1/4 md:inset-y-auto custom-screen:min-w-full custom-screen:-mr-6 supports-grid:grid supports-grid:col-span-1;
  animation-delay: 200ms;

.foo.bar {
  @apply translate-x-3 translate-y-[-0.5em] skew-x-1 skew-y-3 rotate-[-0.25turn] pt-3.5 pb-[15%] px-64 -scale-x-75 scale-y-105 after:content-["*"] after:animate-spin;


    rule: {
      selector: '.foo',
      // ...
    tailwindClasses: [
    rule: {
      selector: '.foo.bar',
      // ...
    tailwindClasses: [



Option Type Default Description
remInPx number | null null rem in px unit. Set null if you don't want to convert rem to pixels
arbitraryPropertiesIsEnabled boolean false defines whether non-convertible properties should be converted as "arbitrary properties"
tailwindConfig Config {} Set your tailwind config here
postCSSPlugins AcceptedPlugin[] [] Array of acceptable postcss plugins