Jackiexiao / MTTS

A Demo of Mandarin/Chinese TTS frontend
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A Demo of MTTS Mandarin/Chinese Text to Speech FrontEnd

Mandarin/Chinese Text to Speech based on statistical parametric speech synthesis using merlin toolkit



This is only a demo of mandarin frontend which is lack of some parts like "text normalization" and "prosody prediction", and the phone set && Question Set this project use havn't fully tested yet.

一个粗略的文档:A draft documentation written in Mandarin


There is no open-source mandarin speech synthesis dataset on the internet, this proj used thchs30 dataset to demostrate speech synthesis


open-source mandarin speech synthesis data from data-banker company, 开源的中文语音合成数据,感谢标贝公司

【数据下载】https://weixinxcxdb.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/gwYinPinKu/BZNSYP.rar 【数据说明】http://www.data-baker.com/open_source.html

Generated Samples

Listen to https://jackiexiao.github.io/MTTS/

How To Reproduce

  1. First, you need data contain wav and txt (prosody mark is optional)
  2. Second, generate HTS label using this project
  3. Using merlin/egs/mandarin_voice to train and generate Mandarin Voice

Context related annotation & Question Set


Python : python3.6
System: linux(tested on ubuntu16.04)

pip install jieba pypinyin
sudo apt-get install libatlas3-base

Run bash tools/install_mtts.sh
Or download file by yourself

Run Demo

bash run_demo.sh


1. Generate HTS Label by wav and text

txtfile example

A_01 这是一段文本
A_02 这是第二段文本

wav_directory example(Sampleing Rate should larger than 16khz)


2. Generate HTS Label by text with or without alignment file

result = txt2label('向香港特别行政区同胞澳门和台湾同胞海外侨胞') [print(line) for line in result]

with prosody mark and alignment file (sfs file)

result = txt2label('向#1香港#2特别#1行政区#1同胞#4澳门#2和#1台湾#1同胞#4海外#1侨胞',


see [source
code](https://github.com/Jackiexiao/MTTS/blob/master/src/mandarin_frontend.py) for more information, but pay attention to the alignment file(sfs file), the format is `endtime phone_type` not `start_time, phone_type`(which is different from speech ocean's data)

### 3. Forced-alignment
This project use [Montreal-Forced-Aligner](https://github.com/MontrealCorpusTools/Montreal-Forced-Aligner) to do forced alignment, if you want to get a better alignment, use your data to train a alignment-model, see [mfa: algin-using-only-the-dataset](https://montreal-forced-aligner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/aligning.html#align-using-only-the-data-set)
1. We trained the acoustic model using thchs30 dataset, see `misc/thchs30.zip`, the dictionary we use [mandarin_mtts.lexicon](https://github.com/Jackiexiao/MTTS/blob/master/misc/mandarin_mtts.lexicon). If you use larger dataset than thchs30, you may get better alignment.
2. If you want to use mfa's (montreal-forced-aligner) pre-trained mandarin model, this is the dictionary you need [mandarin-for-montreal-forced-aligner-pre-trained-model.lexicon](https://github.com/Jackiexiao/MTTS/blob/master/misc/mandarin-for-montreal-forced-aligner-pre-trained-model.lexicon)

## Prosody Mark
You can generate HTS Label without prosody mark. we assume that word segment is
smaller than prosodic word(which is adjusted in code)

"#0","#1", "#2","#3" and "#4" are the prosody labeling symbols.
* #0 stands for word segment
* #1 stands for prosodic word
* #2 stands for stressful word (actually in this project we regrad it as #1)
* #3 stands for prosodic phrase
* #4 stands for intonational phrase 

## Improvement to be done in future
* Text Normalization
* Better Chinese word segment
* G2P: Polyphone Problem
* Better Label format and Question Set
* Improvement of prosody analyse
* Better alignment

## Contributor
* Jackiexiao
* willian56