Follow the steps, run the code, and it works!
the accuracy of 4 digits version can be as high as 99.8%!
There are several more steps to put this prototype on production.
Ping me for paid technical supports.
Solve Captcha Using CNN Model
Generate DataSet for Training
old code that using tensorflow 1.x is moved to tensorflow_v1.
this is a perfect project for beginers.
we will train a model of ~90% accuracy in 1 minute using one single GPU card (GTX 1080 or above).
if we increase the dataset by 10x, the accuracy increases to 98.8%. we can further increase the accuracy to 99.8% using 1M traning images.
here is the source code and running logs: captcha-solver-tf2-4digits-AlexNet-98.8.ipynb
Images, Ground Truth and Predicted Values:
there is 1 predicton error out of the 20 examples below. 9871 -> 9821
Accuracy and Loss History:
Model Structure:
this is a more practical project.
the code is the same as the 4-digits version, but the training dataset is much bigger.
it costs 2-3 hours to generate training dataset and costs 30 min to train a 95% accuracy model.
here is the source code and running logs: captcha-solver-tf2-4letters-AlexNet.ipynb
example: captcha-solver-model-restore.ipynb
$ python datasets/ -h
usage: [-h] [-n N] [-c C] [-t T] [-d] [-l] [-u] [--npi NPI] [--data_dir DATA_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n N epoch number of character permutations.
-c C max count of images to generate. default unlimited
-t T ratio of test dataset.
-d, --digit use digits in dataset.
-l, --lower use lowercase in dataset.
-u, --upper use uppercase in dataset.
--npi NPI number of characters per image.
--data_dir DATA_DIR where data will be saved.
1 epoch has 10*9*8*7=5040
images, generate 6 epoches for training.
generating the dataset:
$ python datasets/ -d --npi=4 -n 6
10 choices: 0123456789
generating 6 epoches of captchas in ./images/char-4-epoch-6/train
generating 1 epoches of captchas in ./images/char-4-epoch-6/test
write meta info in ./images/char-4-epoch-6/meta.json
preview the dataset:
$ python datasets/ images/char-4-epoch-6/
========== Meta Info ==========
num_per_image: 4
label_choices: 0123456789
height: 100
width: 120
n_epoch: 6
label_size: 10
train images: (30240, 100, 120), labels: (30240, 40)
test images: (5040, 100, 120), labels: (5040, 40)
scenario: use digits/upper cases, 4 chars per captcha image.
1 epoch will have 36*35*34*33=1.4M
images. the dataset is too big to debug.
using -c 10000
param, sampling 10k random images.
generating the dataset:
$ python3 datasets/ -du --npi 4 -n 1 -c 10000
generating 1 epoches of captchas in ./images/char-4-epoch-1/train.
only 10000 records used in epoche 1. epoche_count: 1413720
tensorflow image:
docker pull jackon/tensorflow-2.1-gpu
# check if gpu works in docker container
docker run --rm --gpus all -t jackon/tensorflow-2.1-gpu /usr/bin/nvidia-smi
# start jupyter server in docker container
docker run --rm --gpus all -p 8899:8899 -v $(realpath .):/tf/notebooks -t jackon/tensorflow-2.1-gpu