JacksonBurns / mordred-community

Community-Maintained Version of mordred
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
44 stars 3 forks source link


Community maintained version of the mordred molecular descriptor calculator which is no longer maintained.

We are accepting pull requests and looking for maintainers! Reach out on the Issues page if you are interested in helping out!


mordredcommunity is currently available on PyPI with pip install mordredcommunity or via the conda package manager with conda install -c conda-forge mordredcommunity.

mordredcommunity supports Python 3.8 and newer on all platforms.

To add support for pandas and progress bars, use PyPI and call pip install mordredcommunity[full].

Usage of mordredcommunity is the same as mordred.

Packages using mordredcommunity

Number of Descriptors

>>> from mordred import Calculator, descriptors
>>> n_all = len(Calculator(descriptors, ignore_3D=False).descriptors)
>>> n_2D = len(Calculator(descriptors, ignore_3D=True).descriptors)
>>> print("2D:    {:5}\n3D:    {:5}\n------------\ntotal: {:5}".format(n_2D, n_all - n_2D, n_all))
2D:     1613
3D:      213
total:  1826


calculate all descriptors

$ python -m mordred example.smi
name,ECIndex,WPath,WPol,Zagreb1, (snip)
benzene,36,27,3,24.0, (snip)
chrolobenzene,45,42,5,30.0, (snip)

save to file (display progress bar)

$ python -m mordred example.smi -o example.csv
50%|███████████████████████████████████████▌                                       | 1/2 [00:00<00:00,  7.66it/s]

stream read (low memory, no number of molecules information)

$ python -m mordred example.smi -s -o example.csv
0it [00:00, ?it/s]

only ABCIndex

$ python -m mordred example.smi -d ABCIndex

ABCIndex and AcidBase

$ python -m mordred example.smi -d ABCIndex -d AcidBase

multiple input

$ python -m mordred example.smi example2.smi -d ABCIndex

show help

$ python -m mordred --help
usage: python -m mordred [-h] [--version] [-t {auto,sdf,mol,smi}] [-o OUTPUT]
                            [-p PROCESSES] [-q] [-s] [-d DESC] [-3] [-v]
                            INPUT [INPUT ...]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --version             input molecular file
    -t {auto,sdf,mol,smi}, --type {auto,sdf,mol,smi}
                        input filetype (default: auto)
    -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file path (default: stdout)
    -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        number of processes (default: number of logical
    -q, --quiet           hide progress bar
    -s, --stream          stream read
    -d DESC, --descriptor DESC
                        descriptors to calculate (default: all)
    -3, --3D              use 3D descriptors (require sdf or mol file)
    -v, --verbosity       verbosity

descriptors: ABCIndex AcidBase AdjacencyMatrix Aromatic AtomCount
Autocorrelation BalabanJ BaryszMatrix BCUT BertzCT BondCount CarbonTypes Chi
Constitutional CPSA DetourMatrix DistanceMatrix EccentricConnectivityIndex
EState ExtendedTopochemicalAtom FragmentComplexity Framework GeometricalIndex
GravitationalIndex HydrogenBond InformationContent KappaShapeIndex Lipinski
McGowanVolume MoeType MolecularDistanceEdge MolecularId MomentOfInertia MoRSE
PathCount Polarizability RingCount RotatableBond SLogP TopologicalCharge
TopologicalIndex TopoPSA VdwVolumeABC VertexAdjacencyInformation WalkCount
Weight WienerIndex ZagrebIndex

as library

>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> from mordred import Calculator, descriptors

# create descriptor calculator with all descriptors
>>> calc = Calculator(descriptors, ignore_3D=True)

>>> len(calc.descriptors)

>>> len(Calculator(descriptors, ignore_3D=True, version="1.0.0"))

# calculate single molecule
>>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
>>> calc(mol)[:3]
[4.242640687119286, 3.9999999999999996, 0]

# calculate multiple molecule
>>> mols = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi) for smi in ['c1ccccc1Cl', 'c1ccccc1O', 'c1ccccc1N']]

# as pandas
>>> df = calc.pandas(mols)
>>> df['SLogP']
0    2.3400
1    1.3922
2    1.2688
Name: SLogP, dtype: float64

Additional Examples

see examples on GitHub.


Please cite the original publication describing mordred and this repository specifically. Moriwaki H, Tian Y-S, Kawashita N, Takagi T (2018) Mordred: a molecular descriptor calculator. Journal of Cheminformatics 10:4 . doi: 10.1186/s13321-018-0258-y