Jacob-Griffin / TelephonePictionary2.0

New version of blowyourfaceoff.com using more modern web technology than php and raw javascript
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Documentation/Help #19

Closed Jacob-Griffin closed 1 year ago

Jacob-Griffin commented 1 year ago

There should be some sort of visible place to check fixable issues that players might run into.

Notably, in #18, I realized that if people's local computer clocks were out of sync, their timers will be too. Even more devastating if that person is the host. This can also walk through what to do when a round is stuck (with whatever we implement in #9

This is separate from a basic game tutorial, which I will also create an issue for (#20), since the tutorial needs to be more prominent.

This might have a place in a potential settings/burger/dropdown menu

Jacob-Griffin commented 1 year ago

This should be handled by the github wiki in this repo. Just like, a link in the settings that says "Did something weird happen? Check the [[knowlege base]]" and send it to the page in question. The wiki page can then link to "create new issue" at the bottom.

Jacob-Griffin commented 1 year ago

Github wiki page is created, https://github.com/Jacob-Griffin/TelephonePictionary2.0/wiki/Knowlege-Base

Jacob-Griffin commented 1 year ago

Documentation is linked in the settings menu and when a round is stuck (5 seconds past the timer going off, assuming still waiting)