JacobBennett / SendyPHP

A PHP class built to interface with the Sendy API
MIT License
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A PHP class built to interface with the Sendy API (http://sendy.co)


Using Composer

Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require jacobbennett/sendyphp.

"require": {
    "jacobbennett/sendyphp": "1.3.*"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Non-Composer Installation



Create an instance of the class while passing in an array including your API key, installation URL, and the List ID you wish to work with.

    $config = array(
        'api_key' => 'yourapiKEYHERE', //your API key is available in Settings
        'installation_url' => 'http://updates.mydomain.com',  //Your Sendy installation
        'list_id' => 'your_list_id_goes_here'

    $sendy = new \SendyPHP\SendyPHP($config);

    //you can change the list_id you are referring to at any point


After creating a new instance of SendyPHP call any of the methods below

Return Values

The return value of any of these functions will include both a status, and a message to go with that status.

The status is a boolean value of true or false and the message will vary based on the type of action being performed.

    //example of a succesful return value
        'message'=>'Already Subscribed'

    //example of a UNsuccesful return value
        'message'=>'Some fields are missing.'

I have commented and organized the code so as to be readable, if you have further questions on the status or messages being returned, please refer to the library comments.

subscribe(array $values)

This method takes an array of $values and will attempt to add the $values into the list specified in $list_id

    $results = $sendy->subscribe(array(
        'email' => 'Jim@gmail.com', //this is the only field required by sendy
        'customfield1' => 'customValue'

Note: Be sure to add any custom fields to the list in Sendy before utilizing them inside this library. Another Note: If a user is already subscribed to the list, the library will return a status of true. Feel free to edit the code to meet your needs.


Unsubscribes the provided e-mail address (if it exists) from the current list.

    $results = $sendy->unsubscribe('test@testing.com');


Returns the status of the user with the provided e-mail address (if it exists) in the current list.

    $results = $sendy->substatus('test@testing.com');

Note: refer to the code or see http://sendy.co/api for the types of return messages you can expect.


Returns the number of subscribers to the current list.

    $results = $sendy->subcount();

createCampaign(array $values)

This method takes an array of $values and will creates a campaign (with an option to send it too).

    $results = $sendy->createCampaign(array(
        'from_name' => 'Some Name',
        'from_email' => 'some@domain.com',
        'reply_to' => 'some@domain.com',
        'subject' => 'Some Subject',
        'plain_text' => 'Amazing campaign', // (optional).
        'html_text' => '<h1>Amazing campaign</h1>',
        'list_ids' => 'your_list_id', // Required only if you set send_campaign to 1.
        'brand_id' => 0, // Required only if you are creating a 'Draft' campaign.
        'query_string' => 'some', // eg. Google Analytics tags.
        'send_campaign' => 0 // Set to 1 if you want to send the campaign as well and not just create a draft. Default is 0.

setListId($list_id) and getListId()

Change or get the list you are currently working with.

    //set or switch the list id

    //get the current list id
    echo $sendy->getListId();

Unit tests

All unit tests are located under src/test directory. To run the tests type in the below from the project root.

        php vendor/bin/phpunit src/test/SendyPHPTest.php

Ensure that the API keys are setup for testing :

        $config = [
            'api_key' => 'xxx', //your API key is available in Settings
            'installation_url' => 'http://my.sendy.installation.com',  //Your Sendy installation
            'list_id' => 'xxx'// List ID