JacobDomagala / StaticAnalysis

GitHub action performs static analysis on C++/Python code, flags issues, and posts comments directly on PRs.
MIT License
31 stars 10 forks source link
clang-tidy cmake cpp cppcheck githubaction-workflow pylint python static-analysis

Linter Test Action Unit Tests

Static Analysis

This GitHub action is designed for C++/Python projects and performs static analysis using:

It can be triggered by push and pull requests.

For further information and guidance about setup and various inputs, please see sections dedicated to each language (C++ and Python)

Pull Request comment

Created comment will contain code snippets with the issue description. When this action is run for the first time, the comment with the initial result will be created for current Pull Request. Consecutive runs will edit this comment with updated status.

Note that it's possible that the amount of issues detected can make the comment's body to be greater than the GitHub's character limit per PR comment (which is 65536). In that case, the created comment will contain only the issues found up to that point, and the information that the limit of characters was reached.

Output example (C++)


Non Pull Request

For non Pull Requests, the output will be printed to GitHub's output console. This behaviour can also be forced via force_console_print input.

Output example (C++)



While it's recommended that your project is CMake-based, it's not required (see the Inputs section below). We also recommend using a .clang-tidy file in your root directory. If your project requires additional packages to be installed, you can use the apt_pckgs and/or init_script input variables to install them (see the Workflow example or Inputs sections below). If your repository allows contributions from forks, you must use this Action with the pull_request_target trigger event, as the GitHub API won't allow PR comments otherwise.

By default, cppcheck runs with the following flags: --enable=all --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --inline-suppr --inconclusive You can use the cppcheck_args input to set your own flags.

clang-tidy looks for the .clang-tidy file in your repository, but you can also set checks using the clang_tidy_args input.

Workflow example

name: Static analysis

  # Will run on push when merging to 'branches'. The output will be shown in the console
      - develop
      - master
      - main

  # 'pull_request_target' allows this Action to also run on forked repositories
  # The output will be shown in PR comments (unless the 'force_console_print' flag is used)
      - "*"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: setup init_script
      shell: bash
      run: |
        echo "#!/bin/bash

        # Input args provided by StaticAnalysis action
        echo \"Hello from the init script! First arg=\${root_dir} second arg=\${build_dir}\"

        add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
        apt update && apt upgrade
        apt install -y libvulkan1 mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-utils" > init_script.sh

    - name: Run static analysis
      uses: JacobDomagala/StaticAnalysis@master
        language: c++

        # Exclude any issues found in ${Project_root_dir}/lib
        exclude_dir: lib

        use_cmake: true

        # Additional apt packages that need to be installed before running Cmake
        apt_pckgs: software-properties-common libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev

        # Additional script that will be run (sourced) AFTER 'apt_pckgs' and before running Cmake
        init_script: init_script.sh

        # (Optional) clang-tidy args
        clang_tidy_args: -checks='*,fuchsia-*,google-*,zircon-*,abseil-*,modernize-use-trailing-return-type'

        # (Optional) cppcheck args
        cppcheck_args: --enable=all --suppress=missingIncludeSystem


Name Description Default value
github_token Github token used for Github API requests ${{github.token}}
pr_num Pull request number for which the comment will be created ${{github.event.pull_request.number}}
comment_title Title for comment with the raport. This should be an unique name Static analysis result
exclude_dir Directory which should be excluded from the raport <empty>
apt_pckgs Additional (space separated) packages that need to be installed in order for project to compile <empty>
init_script Optional shell script that will be run before configuring project (i.e. running CMake command). This should be used, when the project requires some environmental set-up beforehand. Script will be run with 2 arguments: root_dir(root directory of user's code) and build_dir(build directory created for running SA). Note. apt_pckgs will run before this script, just in case you need some packages installed. Also this script will be run in the root of the project (root_dir) <empty>
cppcheck_args Cppcheck (space separated) arguments that will be used --enable=all --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --inline-suppr --inconclusive
clang_tidy_args clang-tidy arguments that will be used (example: -checks='*,fuchsia-*,google-*,zircon-*' <empty>
report_pr_changes_only Only post the issues found within the changes introduced in this Pull Request. This means that only the issues found within the changed lines will po posted. Any other issues caused by these changes in the repository, won't be reported, so in general you should run static analysis on entire code base false
use_cmake Determines wether CMake should be used to generate compile_commands.json file true
cmake_args Additional CMake arguments <empty>
force_console_print Output the action result to console, instead of creating the comment false

NOTE: apt_pckgs will run before init_script, just in case you need some packages installed before running the script


Workflow example

name: Static analysis

      - master

    name: Run Linter
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: CodeQuality
        uses: JacobDomagala/StaticAnalysis@master
          language: "Python"
          pylint_args: "--rcfile=.pylintrc --recursive=true"
          python_dirs: "src test"


Name Description Default value
github_token Github token used for Github API requests ${{github.token}}
pr_num Pull request number for which the comment will be created ${{github.event.pull_request.number}}
comment_title Title for comment with the raport. This should be an unique name Static analysis result
exclude_dir Directory which should be excluded from the raport <empty>
apt_pckgs Additional (space separated) packages that need to be installed in order for project to compile <empty>
init_script Optional shell script that will be run before configuring project (i.e. running CMake command). This should be used, when the project requires some environmental set-up beforehand. Script will be run with 2 arguments: root_dir(root directory of user's code) and build_dir(build directory created for running SA). Note. apt_pckgs will run before this script, just in case you need some packages installed. Also this script will be run in the root of the project (root_dir) <empty>
pylint_args Pylint (space separated) arguments that will be used <empty>
python_dirs Directories that contain python files to be checked <empty>
report_pr_changes_only Only post the issues found within the changes introduced in this Pull Request. This means that only the issues found within the changed lines will po posted. Any other issues caused by these changes in the repository, won't be reported, so in general you should run static analysis on entire code base false
force_console_print Output the action result to console, instead of creating the comment false

NOTE: apt_pckgs will run before init_script, just in case you need some packages installed before running the script