Jacobvu84 / serenity-screenplay-appium

The demo shows the integration of Serenity BDD, Screenplay and Cucumber JVM.
3 stars 3 forks source link

How to get the environment Variables in serenity.properties ? #1

Open Jacobvu84 opened 5 years ago

Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago
String driverVersion = ThucydidesSystemProperty.SAUCELABS_DRIVER_VERSION.from(environmentVariables);
Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago


Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago

String baseUrl = ThucydidesSystemProperty.WEBDRIVER_BASE_URL.from(environmentVariables);

Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago
EnvironmentVariables variables = SystemEnvironmentVariables.createEnvironmentVariables();

String baseUrl = variables.getProperty(ThucydidesSystemProperty.WEBDRIVER_BASE_URL);
String myCustomProperty = variables.getProperty("my.custom.property");